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本例属糜烂型扁平苔藓的变型。This condition is a variant of erosive lichen planus.

它们是地球上最强大、最有侵蚀性的力量。They're the most powerful erosive force on our planet.

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目的探讨超声离子导入法治疗糜烂型扁平苔癣的疗效。Objective To explore the treatment for erosive oral Lichen planus.

侵蚀性降雨,是指能够引起土壤侵蚀的降雨。The erosive rain is defined as rain, which can cause soil erosion.

腐蚀品着火时,可用水柱直接喷射扑救。When an erosive material catches fire, it should be put out with water cannon.

病变早期为小结节状,晚期形成侵蚀性溃疡,病程缓慢,很少转移。Its shape changes from small nodule in the early stage to erosive ulcer in the later.

最近自然杂志上的一片文章称这可能要归咎于密西西比河的侵蚀作用。A new paper in the journal Nature suggests the river's erosive action may be to blame.

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腐蚀性食管炎以及食管裂孔疝分别为18和70例。Erosive esophagitis and hiatal hernia were identified in 18 and 70 patients, respectively.

海波是海岸线上最繁忙的雕塑家,它们对海岸释放了巨大的冲蚀性能量。Waves are the busiest sculptors of coastlines, unleashing their erosive power on the shore.

以这种方式,这是希望能够表征糜烂燃烧性能,从试验数据。In this manner, it is hoped to be able to characterize the erosive burning behaviour from test data.

用烧蚀发动机在旋转实验装置上,对NBR和EPDM绝热层试件进行了烧蚀实验。Performed the ablation tests of NBR and EPDM insulation on rotating test system using erosive motor.

从材料、结构角度对疲劳荷载和腐蚀介质的耦合作用进行了总结与分析。The coupling effect of fatigue and erosive ions is introduced on the level of material and structure.

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陶瓷纤维板能够在存在震动,机械应力和强腐蚀力作用的环境中使用。Ceramic fiber board can be used in the environment with vibration, mechanical stress and strong erosive forces.

本文对采用离岸堤作为保护侵蚀海岸的措施进行了试验研究。The paper is for studying shore protection of erosive coast on which some offshore breakwaters have been built.

还非常适合在受振动、机械应力和强烈腐蚀的环境中应用。They are also well-suited for applications experiencing vibration, mechanical stress and strong erosive forces.

研究了固体火箭发动机内绝热层在飞行加速度条件下的炭化烧蚀特性。Investigated charring erosive characters of internal insulation of solid rocket motor under flight acceleration.

楔塞阀将最严酷的侵蚀性和最困难的金属阀座密封应用到日常的应用中。Wedgeplug turns the most severely erosive and difficult metal seated sealing services into routine applications.

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目的探计球囊扩张术在治疗腐蚀性食道管灼伤所致食道狭窄中的应用价值。Objective To evaluate the therapy of esophageal stricture caused by erosive burn of esophagus through balloon dilation.

这种方式和口服途径是不同的,通常被认为适合易受消化分泌液的腐蚀作用的药物。Such a method is different from the oral route, often seen as subjecting drugs to the erosive effects of digestive fluids.

目的观察中西医结合方法治疗糜烂型扁平苔藓的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinical effects of the therapies integrated Chinese and Western medicine on erosive lichen planus.