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网上交友者是否倾向于撒谎?Do online daters have a propensity to lie?

这个斜率就是边际消费倾向。That slope is the marginal propensity to consume.

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你的缺陷就是厌恨别人。And your defect is a propensity to hate every body.

你有一种倾向,──对什么人都感到厌恶,这就是你的缺陷。And your defect is a propensity to hate every body.

现在注意你性格里的过度保护倾向。Watch now for your propensity to be over-protective.

曲霉菌有浸润血管的倾向。Aspergillus has a propensity to invade into blood vessels.

亚洲储蓄倾向的根深蒂固更多是由政策而非文化原因造成的。Asia's propensity to save is engrained more by policy than by culture.

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是否存在某一人体基因,影响着我们维持单配偶关系的倾向性呢?Is there a human gene affecting our propensity to bond with a single mate?

日本人总有把电子产品和任何东西合并起来的倾向。Japanese have a propensity to merge electronics with anything and everything.

卡特那事无巨细都要过问的微观管理方式导致了罗纳尔多·里根的冷静超然的倾向的产生。Carter's micromanagement encouraged Ronald Reagan's propensity for detachment.

同时,由于爱发号施令的倾向,处女也会变成一个怨言不断令人厌烦的人。Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity.

那些知道更多科学知识人只有稍大的倾向相信科学家。Those who know more science have only a slightly greater propensity to trust scientists.

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那的确是一段抑郁,容易偏执钻牛角尖的日子。Ongoing from that was a phase of a propensity for depression, for compulsion, for paranoia.

久坐不动的生活方式会增加患衰老相关疾病和夭亡的可能性。A sedentary lifestyle increases the propensity to aging-related diseases and premature death.

近几个月来,这一倾向没有哪里像华尔街一样更明显了。In recent months, nowhere has this propensity been more pronounced than on Wall Street itself.

比如说,遗传工程师应当不应当矫正近视或矫正易于发胖、掉头发的体质呢?Should genetic engineers fix nearsightedness say or a propensity to put on weight or lose hair?

当代新闻媒介的发展趋势,主要是向私人物品转化和扩展。Contemporary news media have a strong propensity to transform into and develop as private goods.

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人类继承了延迟业力的倾向,就象他们的昴宿星及天狼星祖先一样。Humans inherited a propensity of deferring karma much like their Pleiadian and Sirian ancestors.

倾向得分通过平衡各组的协变量的方法,用于降低选择偏倚。Propensity scores are used to reduce selection bias by equating groups based on these covariates.

成功的自主学者总喜欢问为什么,还有其他一些问题。Successful self-directed learners have a high propensity for asking why– and lots of other questions.