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他吹起一阵清风。He sent a gentle breeze.

我的死穴就是温柔。My dieing point is gentle.

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这阳光是这样尊贵知礼。The sunshine is so gentle.

微风习习。A gentle breeze is blowing.

春姑娘像一个温柔的妈妈。Voice like a gentle mother.

雷母则是神态平和。Ray mother is gentle manner.

柔和侍人,始终如一。Be gentle with other, always.

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他的行为举止非常温文儒雅。His behavior was very gentle.

谁能给我温柔拥抱,我感觉心快要碎掉了。Who can give me a gentle hug.

他的声音是温和亲切的。His voice was gentle and kind.

我是秋天的细雨飏飏。I am the gentle autumn's rain.

江水溶溶。The river is broad and gentle.

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如同温柔的牧牛姑娘。Will be Thy gentle gopi maids.

温文回答平息怒火。A gentle answer pacifies wrath.

温和的回答能使愤怒者平静。A gentle answer quietens anger.

在我看来,他是如此温柔体贴。He's gentle and he seems to me.

而白色的小猫非常温和。But the hite cat is very gentle.

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为轻柔狄综霜或啫喱。For the gentle eye cream or gel.

简的性格十分温柔。Jane is of such a gentle nature.

对待自己,要温和又坚定。Be gentle but firm with yourself.