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它的创立者是匿名的。Its creator remains anonymous.

造物主上帝是真正的上帝。The creator God really is God.

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您也是与制物主开一的“一”。You are also One with Creator.

真主是我们的造物主及支持者。God is our Creator and Sustainer.

当趁年轻记念造你的主Remember Your Creator While Young

天地的创造者啊!Creator of the heavens and the earth!

内容所有者或创建者的名称。Name of the content owner or creator.

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蔡林成为阿尔玛斯狄俄涅的创始人!Chae Lim becomes a creator of Almas Dione!

永清是卓越品牌的创造者。Yonker is the creator of remarkable brand.

这就是刘骐鸣的一幅油画。The creator of this painting is Liu Qiming.

我们生来就是与我们的造物者密不可分。We were made to be connected to our Creator.

这是造物者一直供应给你的食物。This is what the Creator always supplied you.

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我认为他是一个很诚实的人。A self-made man? Yes, and worship his creator.

它是环境和活动的缔造者。It is the creator of circumstances and events.

她的创造者“女孩用弹弓。”She is the creator of "Girls with Slingshots."

但作为被造物,我们永远成不了创造主。But as creatures, we will never be the Creator.

在士师记中,他是士师和律法的创立者。In Judges, he is the judges and the law creator.

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延少到制物众神战超灵们。It extends to the creator Gods and the oversouls.

在星期天,我们专注于神,我们的创造主。On Sundays, we put our focus on God, our Creator.

哲学家,即使是康德这样的哲学家,都是创造者。The philosopher, even if he is Kant, is a creator.