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随着小男孩的琴声,家里养的狗也开始高一声低一声的叫起来。The family dog began to howlalong dismally.

久旱使农民忧郁沮丧。The peasants were dismally disheartened by the long drought.

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北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得。However, the autumn of northland comes extra lightly, silently and dismally.

在非洲西部国家,避孕的进展令人沮丧、相当缓慢。In western Africa, progress towards adoption of contraception has been dismally slow.

雅虎被微软临场抛弃的唯一好处是这桩婚姻终将以暗淡的失败告终。S last-minute jilting by Microsoft is that the marriage would only have failed dismally.

在这里感叹人世的沧桑,面对“容易冰消”发出生命的忧嗟。This is a dismally sigh to the human's easy-going life and people's ever-changing faith.

房间很长,很狭,暗沉沉,低压压,哥特式的尖窗子,橡木的天花板。It was very long, narrow, and dismally low, with pointed Gothic windows and a ceiling of oak.

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在人类自身的局限里,人们悲凉地感受着冲突带来的苦难。In the limits of human-self, people dismally tasted the tribulation what the collision brought.

这种汉堡的口感很糟,市场份额有限,毫不奇怪是要失败的。The burger tasted awful, had a limited market, and failed dismally which is really no surprise.

欧洲旧大陆一败涂地,没有建立相当于美国微软和谷歌的欧洲企业。The old continent has dismally failed to create local equivalents of America’s Microsoft and Google.

危险的驾驶员,开得歪歪扭扭的车子,坑坑洼洼的道路,会是一个致命的组合。Dangerous drivers in dodgy vehicles on ill-designed and dismally maintained roads make a lethal cocktail.

他十分清楚自己如何在爱丽丝身上败得这么惨,而汤姆又是如何轻而易举便得到了她。He could see quite clearly how he had failed so dismally with Alice and how Tom had taken over so easily.

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小猎狗闷闷地微微摇了摇尾巴,接着垂下狗屁股,将身子蜷成一团,重又躺下了。The dog faintly and dismally wagged its tail, then lowered his haunches, circled round, and lay down again.

尤其需要指出的是,这种政策上次曾在美国试验过,结果是悲惨地失败。In particular, it’s a policy that failed dismally the last time it was tried here, during the Nixon administration.

15岁时,他就被一所公立综合学校辞退了,今后他灰溜溜地间断了学业,误入歧途地度过了他十几岁的青春。He had been expelled from his state comprehensive school at 15, failed dismally academically and had spent his teenage years off the rails.

15岁时,他就被一所公立综合学校开除了,从此他灰溜溜地中断了学业,误入歧途地度过了他十几岁的青春。He had been expelled from his state comprehensive school at 15, failed dismally academically and had spent his teenage years off the rails.

发展中国家监督药品质量和销售的立法和管理框架不良也让造价活动猖獗。The dismally poor legislative and regulatory framework monitoring drug quality and sale in developing countries also allows counterfeiting to thrive.

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但是他们为什么要这么做呢,为什么中国应该放弃对他们特别适用的贸易政策而采取一种惨败的贸易政策,那说得过去吗?But why should they? Why should China abandon a trade policy that is working marvelously well for them, and adopt a trade policy that is failing dismally for us?

年轻人,易于被挑动加入对日本因为其失于面对其历史的几乎每年一度的攻击,却令人失望地对他们自己国家最近的历史显示出无知。The young, easily roused to almost annual attacks on Japan for its failure to confront the past, are dismally ignorant of their country's own more recent history.

如今,工业化世界里的马克思主义者已经屈指可数,而即使最狂热的马克思主义者也不会期待在苏联实践得一败涂地的这种意识形态将会复活。There are not many Marxists left in the industrialized world and not even the most fervent expect the revival of an ideology that failed so dismally in the Soviet Union.