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他们声明反对战争。They declared against war.

他们表示拥护社会主义。They declared for socialism.

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国会遂对日本宣战。Congress declared war on Japan.

裁判宣布他没有越位。The referee declared him onside.

老师愤怒地宣称。The teacher declared indignantly.

这被称作异教。This became declared as a heresy.

928年他自立为哈里发。In 928 he declared himself caliph.

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她表示反对这项提议。She declared against the proposal.

他们取消了婚约。They declared off their engagement.

他被宣判或宣布破产。He is adjudicate or declared bankrupt.

西班牙于1796年向英国宣战。Spain declared war on Britain in 1796.

最终的“十佳”名单将于今年四月公布。The winners will be declared in April.

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它们分别被声明。They're declared a little differently.

他宣布向自己的国家效忠。He declared his loyalty to his country.

所有过口货物必须报关。All imports must be declared to customs.

2010年初,Escom宣布破产。Escom declared bankruptcy in early 2010.

他被宣判或宣布破产。He was adjudicated or declared bankrupt.

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有的国家宣布中立。Some of the nations declared neutrality.

合同被宣告无效。The contract was declared null and void.

婚姻已宣告无效了。The marriage was declared null and void.