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在过去的一周,两国关系发生了相当大的转变。There has been an appreciable shift in the past week.

在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的差别。There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.

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在塑性流变完成之前,可以经过一段可估计的时间。An appreciable time may elapse before plastic flow is completed.

她有没有试图对他施以影响,从而改变历史呢?Did she have any appreciable influence on him, and thus on history?

在高气速时,固体颗粒循环变得显著了。At high gas velocities the circulation of solids becomes appreciable.

燕麦和芜菁的种植数量也比较可观,但目前正在减少。Oats and turnips are grown in appreciable but diminishing quantities.

时间量是全音符的三十二分之一的一个音乐符号。A twelfth part of the labour of making a plough is an appreciable quantity.

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当溶入烹调水中,仅烟酸的损失发生。The only appreciable loss of niacin occurs when it leaches into cooking water.

当反应程度在0.65以上时反应体系的电导已极小。No appreciable conductivity is observed when the extent of reaction is over 0.65.

擦伤-在玻璃表面产生的磨损,其宽度可测量且呈雾状。An abrasion of the glass surface having appreciable width and a frosted appearance.

仅有地球十分之一的云层,火星实在是小到不足以承受明显的大气层。At one-tenth Earth's mass, Mars was too small to hold onto an appreciable atmosphere.

仅有地球十分之一的云层,火星实在是小到不足以承受明显的大气层。At one-tenth Earth’s mass, Mars was too small to hold onto an appreciable atmosphere.

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中子与原子核或与电子并没有可察觉的电磁相互作用。A neutron has no appreciable electromagnetic interaction with nuclei or with electrons.

结果表明,该方法简单实用,并具有较高的精度。The results show that the me-od is simple and practical, and iis precision is appreciable.

科学家和健康官员未在德克萨斯州、阿尔肯萨斯和哦哈河马州发现明显的升温。Scientists and health officials found no appreciable warming in Texas, Arkansas or Oklahoma.

生活污水与纺织废水的比例对处理能力无明显影响。The ratio of domestic sewage to textile wastes has no appreciable effect on the treatability.

反应温度和空速对环氧丙烷的转化率影响不大。The influence of reaction temperature and WHSV on conversion of propylene oxide is not appreciable.

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此外,有部分用户还随意水泵进、出管的管径,这些对扬程也有一定的影响。In addition, some users can pump into the pipe diameter, which head will have an appreciable effect.

它妨碍着偏见有足够的基础上,对集电极结造成可观的储存时间。It prevents a sufficient forward bias on the base-to- collector junction to cause appreciable storage time.

当两板受很大的力被迫接近时,制动销应能保护信号传感器使不受损坏。The limit stop must be able to protect the pickoff if the plates are driven together with an appreciable force.