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您是否曾经被前雇主或单位解雇或开除?Do you have been dismissed or fired preciously?

没有人确切的知道轮子是什么时候发明的。No one knows preciously when the wheel is invented.

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那份心意必定比礼物来得珍贵。That compliment certainly comes preciously more than the present.

电子计数器能准确控制纸板数量。The electronic counter can preciously control the carton quantity.

“廊桥遗梦”的故事并不跟这段感情一样。The story of 'The Bridge of Mandison County' doesn't decribe that relationship that preciously.

保证将绝缘纸准确而快速地插入线槽内。Thus the insulating paper is inserted into the slots of an armature preciously and efficiently.

方将它们设计成小小的贵重物品,如同闪闪发光的小珍珠在闪烁。Fang designs them as small valuables, like preciously sparkling little jewels. Glowing, gleaming.

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猎豹不仅是猫科动物之后,也是女性魅力的珍贵的象征,多年来已经成为卡地亚的标志。Cheetah is felid not only later, also be female glamour symbolize preciously , will had made Kadeya's mark for years.

由于储放在原先盛放红葡萄酒的容器中而侵染了粉色色调的白葡萄酒。Stained wine . A hite wine which has acquired a pink tint through being placed in casks which preciously held red wine.

谁知这位举重冠军口劲了得,一口下去,牙印就清晰地“烙”在了这枚宝贵的“金镶玉”上。Who knew this weight lifting champion mouth vigor, got down, tooth India clearly ironed in this preciously Jin Xiangyu on.

公平的说,这三个人都太年轻,在拉里·布朗的训练体制下无法展示自己的才华。In fairness, all three were preciously young at the time and ill-equipped to handle the maniacal mess that is Larry Brown under coaching duress.

纯净是当初仁华身上最吸引我的一面,也是东健身上最有魅力的一面,希望不论何时何地东健都能坚守这份纯净…"Pure" is what attracted me most about In-ha and is the most charismatic quality of DG. I hope he will continue to keep it preciously anytime and anywhere.

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既往多采用外源性给药方法,但其在体内易被代谢,骨诱导时间短,用量大,需反复使用,且成本高。Preciously , exogenous administration is applied, but it is prone to in vivo metabolism, bone induction lasts less time, requires more amounts and costs much.

波动方程有限差分方法能够较精确地模拟任意非均匀介质中的地震波场,但它本身存在着数值频散问题。Wave-equation finite-difference algorithm can more preciously simulate seismic wave field for any non-uniform medium, but have the issue of numeric dispersion.

之前互相保密的武器技术和技能迅速在猎人之间共享,猎人们把枪口转向了那些入侵他们世界的怪物。Methods and weapons once held preciously secret were quickly shared and the Hunters switched their crosshairs from one another to the monsters that had invaded their world.

汝瓷传世品极为稀少,所以“弥足珍贵”,全世界现存不足百件,其中就有观音瓶。Your porcelain is handed down for generations is extremely scarce, therefore "is well worth preciously ", world extant insufficient hundred, has the Goddess of Mercy bottle.

曾经恋爱过的都明白,童话式的天长地久只属于童话,属于现实,难得,所以可贵,所以童话!People who loved once would understand that anything so-called everlasting is a fairy tail only. It is unlikely to have in true life, so it is much preciously once it happened.

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随着世界人口的增长及工农业生产的发展,需水量也在日益增长,水已经变得比以往任何时候都要珍贵。With the world population growth and the industry and agriculture production development, the water demand is growing day by day, the water already changed more preciously than any time.

经典的,无法超越的技巧,在金像奖的有力竞争者的运用下,再将其多部杰作合一,赢得了所有共同享有这段“画面时间”观众的心。Preciously crafted into a classic-to-be by a genuine contender of the Academy, putting together his masterpiece into one and winning the hearts of all those who shared that "picture time".

在检验过程中,检验人员应该仔细观察,多加询问,勤于记录和拍照、录像等,然后作成检验报告提交给买家。When survey, survey personnel should carefully examine, inquire more, preciously note main points, take photos, video and so on. Then, they make survey report and submit it to the purchaser.