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我们将粉碎任何侵略。We will smash any aggression.

这种援助其实是经济侵略。Such aids amount to economic aggression.

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这里他表现出了一定的攻击性。It's--He had a certain aggression to him.

知道自己,是好勇斗狠的最终方式。TO know yourself is the ultimate aggression.

我们抗击了中东地区出现的侵扰。We faced down aggression in the Middle East.

有人行为过度了,就变成了侵略。People overshoot the mark. There is aggression.

不过两者的攻击性都有了增加。The aggression level of both sexes increases.

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报复只会升高施霸凌者的侵犯气焰。Retaliation only escalates a bully's aggression.

没有比侵略战争更可怕的事了。Nothing is more horrible than wars of aggression.

平静和自信被敌意和侵犯取代了。Calm and certainty have been replaced by aggression.

正如尤达大师所说,它以愤怒、害怕和侵略性为生。As Yoda says, it feeds on anger, fear and aggression.

正义战争必然要战胜侵略战争。Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression.

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我们必须在反侵略斗争中联合起来。We must join forces in our struggle against aggression.

那是一种侵略,那是要摧毁他人的一种努力。It is aggression , it is an effort to destroy the other.

军队戒备着可能的来犯。Troops are on the alert against any possible aggression.

接近达到快速胶水的进攻力。Historical evolution towards full "speed-glue" aggression.

对很多动物来说,红色象征着进攻。Red coloration is associated with aggression in many animals.

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根据每个月的表现,我们就能知道他操作的有多猛。What did that aggression look like on a month-by-month basis?

他咄咄逼人地强迫你了解他的看法。His relentless aggression bludgeons you into seeing his point.

你要知道,「滥告状」是一种具有社会倾向的侵犯。You need to understand that tattling is pro-social aggression.