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她被一个奸诈的经纪人骗了。She was done in by an unscrupulous broker.

无耻之徒总是会欺骗头脑单纯的人。The unscrupulous often deceive the innocent.

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体育明星总会是那些寡廉鲜耻女性的目标。Sports stars are targets for unscrupulous women.

他寡廉鲜耻地剥削人民。He is unscrupulous in his exploitation of people.

天真的人常为奸诈之徒所欺骗。Eg. The innocent are often deceived by the unscrupulous.

他对弥尔顿进行了不道德的驳斥。He dismisses Milton in an unscrupulous ad hominem attack.

他克服了重重困难,最终战胜了疯狂的敌人。He overcomes the odds and defeats the unscrupulous enemy.

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我的妻子是哀伤的在肆无忌惮的评论左在我们的站点。My wife is sad at the unscrupulous remarks left on our site.

他与对立公司竞争完全不讲道德。He was utterly unscrupulous in his competition with rival firms.

脸红妨碍不讲道德地操纵他人。Blushing interferes with the unscrupulous manipulation of others.

股东制的反对者们认为该制度是一种寡廉鲜耻的制度。Opponents of shareholder capitalism claim that it is unscrupulous.

她也是一个城府很深、胆大心细、不择手段的年轻女人吗?。Was she also a designing, an audacious, an unscrupulous young person?

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但他们往往落入黑心的劳工中介手中。But they're often falling into the hands of unscrupulous labor brokers.

和平把赵来的事情告诉了艾米,艾米生气的骂他是无耻之徒。Peace to the zhao things told Amy, Amy angry scold him is unscrupulous.

这位不择手段的总督企图破坏鲁恩殖民地运动会。The unscrupulous governor attempted to sabotage the Roon Colonial Games.

一个肆无忌惮的律师可能帮助你,但是花费可能会很贵。An unscrupulous attorney might help you, but it will likely be expensive.

我害怕这样的细节会给那些昧着良心要狗的人以可乘之机。I feared all the detail might encourage an unscrupulous person to claim the dog.

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发现拉塔塔克星的是那些穷凶极恶的奴隶贩子,他们经常出没于外环。Those that discovered Rattatak were unscrupulous slavers common in the Outer Rim.

但随之而来的个人悲剧和无良足球商人却毁掉了他的足球生涯。But then personal tragedy and football's unscrupulous money men ruined his career.

武尔普特人达德是一个不择手段的马屁精,为同样心怀鬼胎的塞布巴效力。Dud, a Vulptereen, is an unscrupulous toady, working for the equally shifty Sebulba.