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但是谁能想到,当年最大的问题来自于“千年虫”。But by far the biggest bug was the hoopla around the Y2K problem.

尽管我们对自己每天的日常生活都非常关心,但事实究竟怎么样呢?So, as far as our day to day life is concerned, what's the hoopla all about?

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一个可以借鉴的教训,许多戏剧的橄榄球和所有周围的喧闹。One can draw many lessons from the drama on the gridiron and all the hoopla surrounding it.

围绕英国石油新发现的大肆宣传因而显得合情合理,就像其股价的攀升一样。The hoopla surrounding BP's discovery is therefore justified, as was the rise in its share price.

但在美国的39个州里几乎所有法官都要经历选举和重新选举,而竞选又大都伴随着有损法官形象的“自吹自擂”。But in 39 states some or all judges must face election and re-election, often with unbecoming hoopla.

这对希望维护中缅两国友谊的领导人来说是个良机。The hoopla comes at an opportune time for leaders who want to preserve goodwill between the two countries.

MySpace开始作为新闻集团的一部分,同注册Facebook的情况一样喧闹。MySpace began life as part of the News Corporation with the same sort of hoopla that now surrounds Facebook.

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圣诞老人,许多人抱怨在尔虞我诈的商业游戏中,真的圣诞节已经不复存在了,请问您对此作何感想?Mr Claus, many people are complaining that true Christmas has disappeared under commercial hoopla. What is your opinion?

与苹果的iPod,iPhone和苹果电脑的大肆张扬的宣传相比,苹果电视是乔布斯自己也承认并不那么出色的产品。Amid all the hoopla over Apple's iPod, iPhone, and Mac, Apple TV is the one product that even Jobs concedes isn't a smash hit.

虽然里斯。琼斯坚称他并非利用戴安娜之死来挣钱,实际他确实是由于生活日益拮掘而屈服于媒体的纠缠。Although adamant that he is not cashing in on Diana's death, Rees -Jones is submitting to a media hoopla because he is hard up.

救援行动失败将使中国海军非常尴尬,今年早些时候,中国,海军热闹非凡的庆祝其建立60周年。A botched operation would be an embarrassment for a navy that earlier this year celebrated its 60th anniversary with much hoopla.

当时,引进白炽灯可比引进紧凑荧光灯热闹许多。There was more hoopla surrounding the introduction of incandescent lights than there seems to be surrounding compact fluorescents.

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但是在39个州一些甚至全部法官必须面对竞选和改选,这通常伴随着与法官身份不相称的大吹大擂。In America federal judges are as well. But in 39 states some or all judges must face election and re-election, often with unbecoming hoopla.

尽管如此,娜塔莉·波曼还是向记者表示,能与附中的孩子一起分享获奖经历,这已经是件终生难忘的事情了。Still, Portman told reporters she's grateful to have shared this experience with her unborn child as it's been "a protection against all the hoopla."

星期四的签署令人瞩目,但是武器控制条约还需要经过三分之二的美国参议院以及俄罗斯杜马批准才能生效。For all the hoopla over Thursday's signing, the arms-control treaty still has to be ratified by two-thirds of the U.S. Senate, as well as Russia's Duma.

你看看,猫咪们就像是动物世界里的光明节一样,只有少数人愿意与他们安静、快乐地度过。Cats are the Hanukkah of the animal world in this way. They are fêted quietly and happily by a minority, but there’s only so much hoopla applicable to them.

是的,瓦良格号引起了巨大的喧嚣,仅仅中国不理性和愚蠢的发展航母就引起了惊恐症发作。Yes, I also agree that making a giant hoopla out of Shi Lang and having panic attacks just by mere virtue of China having a carrier is irrational and stupid.

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外国分析家都表示中国的经济模式更多的需要低收入,低端加工制造产业中的体力劳动者。Despite all the hoopla that foreign analysts have heaped on China’s growth, the economy remains driven by manual labor, low-cost and low-margin manufacturing.

不要相信那些关于“中国人吃蛇,青蛙,蜥蜴,蟑螂“的奇闻轶事。他们吃更多的鸡、鸭、火鸡、羊、牛、猪。What about all the 'Chinese eat snakes, frogs, lizards, cockroaches' hoopla. Don't believe any of it. They eat more of Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Sheep, Cow, Pig.

华盛顿-尽管星期一白宫叫嚷所谓的“财政责任”,实际却很少有兴趣去实践自己的说教。WASHINGTON — Despite all the White House hoopla Monday about "fiscal responsibility, " Washington is showing little inclination to practice what it's preaching.