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我需要先交预付款吗?Do I pay in advance?

进军号吹响了。The advance was sounded.

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提前准备好菜肴。Prepare meals in advance.

前移这根手指到。I advance this finger to 3.

他继续朝前走。And he continued to advance.

将行李预先交寄。Send your luggage in advance.

我得事先告诉他。I have to tell him in advance.

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提前计划好你的晚餐。Plan out your meal in advance.

我要交20元的定金。We need 20 dollars in advance.

我可以提前取现吗?Can I withdraw cash in advance?

吸烟是一项事先合同。Smoking is an advance contract.

,然后我前移手指。One, then I advance this finger.

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预致谢意。我预付了票款。I paid for the ticket in advance.

该片也没有提前放映。There were no advance screenings.

旅游需要提前定票。All tours require advance booking.

预售票还有剩吗?Are there any advance tickets left?

自由与法律以同等的比例发展。Liberty and law advance pari passu.

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这根手指向前一点。Now, I'm gonna advance this finger.

我们站在一起推进和平。We stand together to advance peace.

还有,提前把住的地方订好。Again, book your lodging in advance.