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乔尔眯了眯眼。Joel narrows his eyes.

“哦……我跟乔尔。比利睡觉了”。I slept with Billy Joel.

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你会弹比利乔的歌吗?You know any Billy Joel?

乔尔望着车窗外。Joel looks out of the window.

今天,乔尔走进我办公室。Today, Joel comes into my office.

你必须告诉我,这才公平。"You have to tell me, " Joel says.

对于冈村,他的代号是,利乔。For Okamura, his code name is Joel.

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这正是乔尔通信所做作为。This is just what Joel Comm as done.

乔尔的一个朋友到家里过夜。Joel has a friend round for a sleepover.

哎,我还是待会儿再见你吧。"Anyway, I'll see you later, " says Joel.

拿单的兄弟约珥,哈基利的儿子弥伯哈Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar son of Hagri

在开车回家的路上,乔尔说,“你真是个很棒的爸爸!”"You're a great dad!" Joel says as we drive home.

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在宾馆,一个骑着儿童三轮车的男孩撞到乔尔。At the hotel, a boy on a tricycle crashes into Joel.

或是沉迷在比利·乔的蓝调音乐中不能自拔。Or, even worse, become addicted to Billy Joel songs.

拿单的兄弟约珥,哈基利的儿子弥伯哈Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar the son of Haggeri

耶和华的话临到毗土珥的儿子约珥。The word of the LORD that came to Joel son of Pethuel.

一共十七具。这是最近的死者,乔尔·萨莫斯。We got 17 in total. Meet our freshest one, Joel Summers.

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耶和华的话临到毘土珥的儿子约珥。The word of the LORD that came to Joel the son of Pethuel.

上主的话传给培突耳的儿子岳厄尔。The word of the Lord that came to Joel the son of Phatuel.

星期六,我带乔尔到切斯顿冒险世界。On Saturday I take Joel to Chessington World of Adventures.