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你将去奥尔本学习?V you will study in auburn.

她把棕色的头发放到耳后,仰起铺满浓妆的脸。She pushed her auburn hair back and raised her painted face.

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她时髦的金棕色短发里自然地夹着几丝灰发。Her stylishly short auburn hair was streaked naturally with gray.

她任其金色短烫发长到齐及肩长,而后染成赤褐色。She let her short blonde perm grow shoulder-length and dyed it auburn.

锡兰的高地茶通常制为碎形茶,呈赤褐色。The upland tea of Ceylon is made normally for broken form tea, show auburn.

他1984年在奥本大学获得了诊所心理学博士学位。He received his doctorate in clinical psychology in 1984 from Auburn University.

现在,这里,我们完整的用文字呈现了现任苹果CEO提姆库克在奥本大学开学典礼上的演讲。Here's the complete transcript of then Apple CEO Tim Cook's Auburn commencement speech.

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雄虫较小,淡黄褐色,前翅中部有赤褐色横纹二条。The insect is small, yellow brown, the former central wings have auburn horizontal grain article 2.

从我手上唯一一张她的照片可以看出,路易莎一头赤褐色的直发,30岁上下。Louise has straight, auburn hair and, judging by the only photograph I have of her, she's in her 30s.

罗德里克隆,奥本大学哲学教授,博客主,摩利纳瑞研究会创建人。Roderick Long professor of philosophy at Auburn University, blogger and founder of the Molinari Institute.

他伸过手去,抓住我妈的一缕褐色长发,我妈用力打他的手,我哈哈笑了。He reached over and tugged at a piece of my mother’s long auburn hair. I laughed when she swatted his hand.

头发端庄的向上盘起,手中是美丽的玫瑰捧花。Her auburn hair is swept up demurely , and in her hands, she holds a bouquet of delicate, handcrafted roses.

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库克于1982年从奥本大学工业工程系毕业,并于1988年获得杜克大学MBA.He earned a degree in industrial engineering from Auburn in 1982, and received his MBA from Duke University in 1988.

开拓者将于本周六在密歇根州奥本山迎战汉密尔顿和其所在的活塞,但是到时候你可以打赌米勒不会被他的指甲吓到。The Blazers play Hamilton and the Pistons on Saturday in Auburn Hills, Mich. , and you can bet Miller isn't thrilled.

不久视野中便出现了一匹茶褐色的矮种马,一个姑娘骑在马背上,顺着经过牛栏的小路往山上走来。Soon there appeared in view an auburn pony with a girl on its back, ascending by the path leading past the cattleshed.

她已年满七十,但风韵犹存——虽然红褐色头发大部分已变白,但身材修长,腰板挺直。At seventy, she was still a beautiful woman—tall, slender, and erect, though her auburn hair had mostly faded to white.

她看到了奈德·史塔克,他旁边是红发的小珊莎和一条长毛灰狗,那很可能是她的狼。She saw Ned Stark, and beside him little Sansa with her auburn hair and a shaggy grey dog that might have been her wolf.

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马尔基翁内在奥本山的克莱斯勒博物馆表示"I want a full year of financial results," Marchionne said during an event at the Walter P. Chrysler Museum in Auburn Hills.

马尔基翁内在奥本山的克莱斯勒博物馆表示,“我希望了解全年业绩。"I want a full year of financial results," Marchionne said during an event at the Walter P. Chrysler Museum in Auburn Hills.

在娃娃包括葡萄酒之旅的纪念礼品套装,在奥本马尾辫礼盒和50周年Silkstone芭比娃娃。The dolls include Voyage in Vintage, the Tribute Gift Set, the Auburn Ponytail Gift Set and the 50th Anniversary Silkstone Barbie.