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受让方的实际操纵人是谁?Transferee to manipulate the actual people?

受让人称为第二受益人。The transferee is called the second beneficiary.

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牌照持有人及准受让人的身分证明文件。Proof of identity of both the licensee and transferee.

受让方要确保产品的质量。The transferee must ensure the quality of the product.

出让方和受让方约定的其他事项。Other matters stipulated by the transferor and the transferee.

承让人如有任何疑问,应向牌照事务监督查询。The transferee should consult the Licensing Authority if in doubt.

接受转让一方要负责保持产品的质量。The transferee must see to it that the quality of the product is maintained.

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本次挂牌转让,对意向受让方的要求比较高。The listing transfer, the transferee of intent requirements are relatively high.

当风险敞口降低时,受让人有责任返还相同的担保品。If Exposure decreases, the Transferee is obliged to return equivalent Collateral.

赠与是指转让人将土地使用权无偿转移给受让人的行为。Donation means that the transferor transfers land use right gratis to the transferee.

权利的转让既要求有接受者的意志,也要求有转让者的意志。The transfer of a right requires the will of the recipient as well as of the transferee.

权利的转让既要求有接受者的意思,也要求有转让者的意志。The transfer of a right requires the will of the recipient as well as of the transferee.

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如选择本项,请将表格寄给承转受讬人-即新计划的受讬人。Please send the completed form to Transferee trustee, i. e. the trustee of the new scheme.

受让人必须是申请人所属鱼類养殖区的现有持牌人。The transferee must be an existing licensee of the same fish culture zone as the applicant.

受让人对裁定不服的,可以申请复议一次。A transferee who is dissatisfied with such an order may apply for review not more than once.

本公司保留权利拒绝允许转让银行将修改通知书通知第二受益人。We irrevocably retain the right to refuse to allow you to advise amendments to the transferee.

抵押人未通知抵押权人或者未告知受让人的,转让行为无效。If the mortgagor fails to notify the mortgagee or inform the transferee , the transfer is invalid.

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签约付款后,本人无条件协助受让方办理好所有权利手续。After the signing of payment, I unconditionally assist the transferee good for all the right procedures.

第五条新药技术转让的转让方与受让方应当签订转让合同。Article 5 A new drug technology transfer contract shall be signed between the transferor and transferee.

社股受让人或继承人,应承继让与人或被继承人之权利义务。The transferee or heritor of shares shall succeed the rights and obligations of the transfer or ancestor.