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把这称作他的德里兵法吧。Call it his Delhi gambit.

又有谁是这样的一种策略的范例呢?What is an example of such a clever gambit?

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开始的这部分有几个音符How many notes is in this opening gambit here?

这就是地区领导者的开场白。This is a gambit for leadership in the region.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费开局充分流?Where can I watch Gambit movie online free full stream?

这个客户机还提供了完整的图形化工具。This client also includes the full gambit of graphical tools.

为何书的开头如此,为何以妥协开头?Why does the book begin with this, ? let's say, opening gambit?

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这看起来就像是一次挽回“基地”不断减少的支持的相当绝望的赌博。It looked like a rather desperate gambit to win back al Qaeda’s dwindling support.

作为在东方的主宰经济体,中国将会制造或打破亚洲的经济的再平衡棋局。As the dominant economy in the East, China will make or break Asia's rebalancing gambit.

政府的另一狠招是对于保险业的大肆抨击。The more underhanded gambit is the decision to bash the insurance industry at every turn.

显然,我并没有指望店员会说英语,这只是我的开场白。Now clearly I do not expect the assistant to speak English and this is merely my opening gambit.

第二天,你的邻居又来了,并且这回他准备使出先发制人的招术让你跟着他的步子走。The next day he comes back and has decided to bring you into line by using the Withdrawing the Offer Gambit.

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敏捷大学的课程来自于许多培训师,范围很广,覆盖了敏捷方法的各个方面。Agile University lists courses from a broad range of trainers, covering the whole gambit of Agile approaches.

这样尽管付出了犯规的代价,却使得姚明在31分钟的出场时间仅仅拿到两位数的得分。The gambit -- along with foul trouble -- worked, and Yao barely reached double figures in 31 minutes of play.

毕竟是亚当斯说服了爱尔兰共和军武装分子全力以赴去参加1994年中期的和平谈判。It was Adams, after all, who talked the I. R. A militants into going for broke with their peace gambit in mid-1994.

回国行动失败后,塞拉亚现在只能将希望寄托在哥斯达黎加总统奥斯卡•阿利亚斯的斡旋活动上。After his gambit failed, his future now depends on an attempt at mediation by óscar Arias , the president of Costa Rica.

这仅仅是韩朝双方领导人的第二次会面,卢武铉总统最开始的话题是关于历史教科书。It was only the second-ever meeting between leaders of the two countries, and Mr Roh's gambit was aimed at the history books.

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如果您接触这一方面的时间比较长,那么很可能对描述这种服务器的功能的术语已经很熟悉了。If you've been around long enough, you've likely run the gambit of terms describing the function that this one server performs.

现代公司的超级碗开局后,跟进行动是在ABC台播放的奥斯卡颁奖典礼广告闪电战,这也是现代公司首次携手奥斯卡的全美表演。Hyundai followed up its Super Bowl gambit with an ad blitz in ABC's Academy Awards broadcast, its first national play with the Oscars.

但近年来谴责迭起,有人说此种策略目光短浅,助长伊斯兰意识形态士气,却将温和派推向边缘。But in recent years the approach has been deplored as a short-sighted gambit that subsidises Islamist ideology while sidelining moderates.