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阁楼上有咕咕哝哝的声音。The attic grumble.

我因事发牢骚。I grumble at thing.

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他发牢骚有失身份。It is beneath him to grumble.

学生们老是抱怨伙食。The students often grumble over the food.

差不多中午饭的时候我的肚子就开始咕咕响。My stomach begins to grumble around lunch-time.

两岸老太太有一个癖性,以发牢骚。The cross old lady has a proclivity to grumble.

但他们抱怨说,我已经跟不上时代的步伐了。But they grumble that I'm out of step with the times.

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第五声,就有人开始抱怨热狗卖者的吵闹了。The fifth time, people start to grumble with annoyance.

艾米借着难得的散步机会向赵来大倒苦水。Amy through the rare opportunity to walk to zhao to grumble.

常江一听就数落起了宋娟现在不能这么做。ChangJiang a listen to grumble up SongJuan now cant do this.

农民开始有怨言,进而落草为寇。He began to grumble. From grumbling, he passed into banditry.

后来又撒娇,只好把它抱出来放在被子上。Then it started to grumble again, I could only put it on my quilt.

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一些保守党人抱怨说,如此大胆的举措却未在其他领域见到。Such boldness is missing in other areas, grumble some Tory thinkers.

但是在赚了大钱的年份限制奖金派发又会遭雇员抱怨。But curtail bonuses after a profitable year, and employees will grumble.

更要不得的是,我开始怨天尤人,总觉得上天对我很不公平。I began grumble to God for being so unfair and making life so difficult.

有人发牢骚说,要是隔三岔五的涨,让人怎么活啊?Some people grumble said, if regularly rising, how does let the human live?

家是我们抱怨最多但同时也能享受到最佳荣宠的地方。Home is the place where we grumble the most, but are often treated the best.

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不论结局如何,华尔街都会牢骚满腹,但它也明白事情已经比预期好多了。Wall Street will grumble whatever happens but it knows things could have been worse.

我感觉到你每一条信息的温暖,也觉出了你孤独的埋怨。Enjoyed tenderness from your messages, also your grumble of loneliness you couldn't hide.

飞机制造商的主管们时常抱怨近期过于频繁的航空展。EXECUTIVES at aircraft-makers sometimes grumble that there are too many air shows nowadays.