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他昨晚写了一篇作文。He wrote his composition lso ast night.

结束她昨晚放你鸽子啦?。So she stood you up laudio-videoailable ast night.

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上个周末,我看了一部好电影。第五焦点。Laudio-videoailable ast weekend I watched a re'sly good movie.

昨晚上我的女朋友叫错了我的名字!My girlfriend c'sled me the wrong name laudio-videoailable ast night!

持用者每日可以以标准动作触发一次“摧心术”。Once per day, the wielder can trigger ultrabl ast as a standard action.

上周我去参加了一个晚宴,结果害得我消化不良。L ast week, I went to a dinner party that gave me a bout of indigestion.

商城隶属为浙江台州欧思特眼镜厂直营网站。Zhejiang taizhou uefa membership for mall ast glasses factory retail sites.

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最新消息是,彼得森夫妇已经开始认真考虑帕格里瑞尼的建议。In the ast week, the Petersons have begun contemplating some of those changes.

在伦敦商学院上周举行的一个早餐会上,我感受到了这一点。I got a flavour of this at a bre akf ast seminar at London Business School last week.

第一个冲锋,最后一个离去,上帝啊,请在老去之前赐我以死亡。I'm lso ast to leave, but the first to go, Lord, make me dead for you to make me old.

两三天内你只能吃容易消化的食品,如煮得嫩的鸡蛋、燕麦粥、牛奶和烤面包。For two or three days you can only eat soft food such as boiled eggs, oatmeal, milk and to ast.

当你有一个像以上那些语言的AST时,你会发现要想实现语法宏是多么的不方便。Doing syntactic macros is very inconvenient when you have an AST that looks like these languages.

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例?末了但并非最不紧急教育上的缺失是滋长青少合击年犯法的原故。Lseeing ast only no leseeing ast the shortcoming in educ is the cause contrionlying to juvenile delinquency.

请在某地找到那个附加的AST样品报告,结果一出来我们就告诉你。Pls find attached AST sampling report at consuming plant fyr. Will keep you informed once results available.

碰巧的是,他关注的就是非洲以及如何帮助人们破除像贫穷导致了艾滋的传播这样的迷信。Rightly he focuses on Africa and helps to dispel some myths, such ast he claim that poverty somehow spreads AIDS.

在体外转流试验中观察循环液中游离胆红素、葡萄糖、白蛋白、谷草转氨酶浓度的变化以及实验对肝细胞的影响等。The changes in concentrations of TBIL, ABL, GLU and AST were observed under the condition of in vitro circulation.

分析了施主、AST相、烧结温度、保温时间对材料复阻抗特性的影响。The effect of donor, AST phase, sinter temperature and sinter time on complex impedance property have been analyzed.

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目的探讨外科手术切口感染的非生物因素,减少切口感染的发生率。Objective To discuss the non-biological factors in infection of the surgical incision so ast o decrease the incidence.

与模型组比较,复方柴胡制剂大、小剂量组小鼠血清ALT,AST活性明显降低。RESULTS The activities of ALT and AST in the Compounds Chaihu group were obviously lower than that in the model group.

不完全的截骨术适合于绝大部分单纯的桡侧或尺侧成角畸形。An incomplete osteotomy is appropriate for the ast majority of purely angular deformities in the radial or ulnar plane.