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产品质量存瑕疵免责条款判无效。Flaws in the goods, Invalidity of impunity clauses.

第三部分是公司章程的无效及法律救济。The third part is the company's charter and the invalidity of Legal Remedy.

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六法律、法规和规章规定其他无效情形的。Other circumstances of invalidity prescribed in laws, regulations and rules.

本合同任何条款无效,不影响其他条款的效力。The invalidity of any part of this Lease Agreement shall not affect the validity of other clauses.

任何规定的无效或不可执行不得一下本空运单其他规定的效力或执行。The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions shall not affect any other part of this air waybill.

确定选举结果是否有效,公布当选代表名单。determine the validity or invalidity of the election results and publish the names of the deputies elected.

合同中的任何无效条款均不影响同一合同中其它条款的有效性。The invalidity of any provision of this Contract shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this contract.

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第113条行政处分之无效,行政机关得依职权确认之。Article 113 An administrative authority is entitled to determine ex officio the invalidity of an administrative disposition.

本协议任何条款的无效或不可执行不会影响任何其他条款的有效性或可执行性。The invalidity or enforceability of any provision hereof will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.

而事后救济措施的探讨又细分为直接诉讼、派生诉讼、股东大会决议的撤销与无效。Relief measures include direct action, derivative action and the revoke and invalidity of resolutions by congress of shareholders.

如本理财产品募集期限届满时认购资金总额未达到人民币2000万元,则我行有权宣布该产品不成立。Our bank has the right to declare the invalidity if the total subscribed capital is less than ¥2000 when financing management expired.

如本理财产品募集期限届满时认购资金总额未达到人民币2000万元,则我行有权宣布该产品不成立。Qilu Bank has the right to declare the invalidity if the total subscribed capital is less than ¥2000 when financing management expired.

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我国的无效合同具有违法性、不得履行性、自始无效性和当然无效性的法律特征。The invalid contract in China bears the legal characteristics of illegality, impracticability , original invalidity and deserved invalidity.

如本协议中的任何条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,本协议的其余条款仍应有效并且有约束力。If any provision of this agreement by any reason regardless of full or partial invalidity or not, the rest terms shall still be valid and binding.

材料硬度低、耐磨性差的盘磨机磨片失效的主要形式是磨刀前对钝化磨圆,进而导致磨片剪切能力急剧下降。The main invalidity of the refiner disc plate is the rounding of the bar edge in case of the plate has lower material rigidity and unwearable quality.

对于行政程序瑕疵的行为是否导致行政行为必然无效这一问题,理论界存在一定的分歧。Currently there are disagreements among scholars on whether defective act in administrative procedure will lead to definite invalidity of administrative act.

民事行为无效产生返还财产、给付不当得利和损害赔偿请求权的法律后果。Invalidity of civil behavior is accompanied by returning the property, paying the unjustified enrichment and the right of requesting for compensation for damage.

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无效或任何部分或这一份契约的准备不加强能力将不影响有效性或任何其他的部分或准备的加强能力。The invalidity or unenforceability of any portion or provision of this contract shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision.

在国际许可贸易中,经常会遇到一些引起谈判过程困难重重,并有可能导致许可合同无效的限制性条款。The restrictive clauses met in international licensing trade always give rise all kinds of difficulties of negotiation and maybe result in invalidity of contract.

此协议的有效性不受某一条款无效的影响,除非其结果是特别不公平或极不公正的。The validity of this Agreement shall not be affected by the invalidity of a provision thereof unless the result would be manifestly inequitable or unconscionable.