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他们两人之间潜伏着一股反感的暗流。There was an undercurrent of antipathy between them.

我们的教会从未有过这种消极影响。Our church has never had such a negative undercurrent.

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我明白你的生命已在潜泉得到了充实。I see that your life has been enriched in the undercurrent.

都有一股来自群众的音乐潜流。There is always an"undercurrent"of music coming from the people.

不速之客在人群中察觉到一丝仇恨的暗流。The invader sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd.

我们可以用这些要点作为隐性的指南来驱动项目。We can use these teachings as an undercurrent that drives the project.

他们接受该计划时心怀不满。Therewas an undercurrent of resentment In their acceptance of the plan.

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在貌似平静的职工持股会外表下面,其实是暗潮涌动。In the seemingly calm facade ESOP Association is actually surging undercurrent.

遭遇过险恶暗流的人都知道潮汐的力量。Anyone who has been caught in a nasty undercurrent knows the power of the tides.

看似红火的网游业务也暗潮汹涌。See the net that is like flourishing swim business also undercurrent is billowy.

总是存在着一种贪得无厌的暗流,一种非分之想,一种蹉跎的感觉。There was always an undercurrent of greediness, a hankering, and sense of waste.

为什么我们做高尚的和不高尚的事情时都携带着快感的潜流?Why is it that we do noble and ignoble things with the undercurrent of pleasure?

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你也将拥有一个平和心境,去面对各种起伏。You may also develop an undercurrent of peace that will pervade any state you’re in.

小美和小杰都是13岁的年纪,男女之间的强烈的两性相吸的情感也在他们之间暗流涌动。Mei and Jay are both 13 and there is a fierce hormonal undercurrent also at work here.

战争的序曲与余殃给那些经典的“黑色电影”暗流提供了源泉。That war, its prologue and aftermath, supplied the dark undercurrent of classic film noir.

在汉城的街道,没有恐慌感,而是一种焦虑的暗流。On the streets of Seoul, there was no sense of panic, but rather an undercurrent of anxiety.

激烈的柚子、黄蕉、香梨以及新鲜草木的青香。Intense grapefruit, Golden Delicious and pears aromas with a subtle undercurrent of fresh herbs.

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我们社会新的思考潜规则不再有计算概率的能力。The new undercurrent in this is that our society no longer has the ability to calculate probabilities.

但生产者卡普斯说更受观众已超过历史任何同性恋暗流失态心烦。But producer Capps says viewers have been more upset by the historical gaffes than any gay undercurrent.

讨论了漫流、溪谷熔岩流和潜流三种流动方式。Overflow, rivulet-val-ley flow and undercurrent which are three flowing mode as lava flow are discussed.