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渔民因此头昏目眩而怨声载道。Fishermen complain of dizziness.

那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时。He had a sensation of dizziness.

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你有眩晕、头昏眼花等症状吗?。Do you have any vertigo, dizziness etc?

其他的人说这种声音会让人恶心和头晕眼花。Others say it induces nausea and dizziness.

夏天经常头晕无力怎么办?Summer often how does dizziness do feebly ?

蒸汽可能引起困倦和眩晕。Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

蒸汽会引起昏睡和眩晕。R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

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她感觉体虚、疲倦、头昏眼花。She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.

为什么我午睡起来后头晕沉沉的?Why of heavy of the dizziness after my siesta rises?

他的视线模糊了,一阵头晕目眩冲击着他。His vision blurred and a wave of dizziness washed over him.

为什么头晕晕的,人闷闷的?Why dizziness is dizzy, the person covers tightly frowzily ?

头昏眼花和各种各样奇怪的感觉也是这个进程的一部分。Dizziness and assorted odd sensations are part of the process.

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疲劳是正常的,当你起的很迅速的时候还会感到眩晕。Fatigue is normal, and so is dizziness when you get up quickly.

高血压病属祖国医学眩晕、头痛等病的范畴。Hypertension belonged to the scop of dizziness and headache, etc.

盖瑞特掉进了水里,一时头晕目眩。Garret dropped into the water and had a blank moment of dizziness.

探讨推拿对颈源性眩晕的临床疗效。To explore the clinical cure effect of massage on cervical dizziness.

那在你入睡前你有感到头晕眩或心悸吗?Now before you fall asleep, do you have any dizziness or palpitations?

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曲唑酮主要的不良反应是困倦和头晕。The major adverse reactions of trazodone were lassitude and dizziness.

有突然眩晕者说明可能并发出血。The person that dizziness suddenly shows may intercurrent haemorrhage.

当自己头晕脑涨的时候,什么方法才能减少伤害???When him dizziness head goes up, what method can just reduce harm? ? ?