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妈妈说,这是这里的民风。Mum said it is the local folkway and habitude.

它变的更成熟美丽,连气质也变的很有小女生的感觉。She became more mature and beautiful, and her habitude became more girlish.

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魔王的头终于化为灰烬,除旧布新的泼水节也由此成为习俗。Devil's head was finally reduced to ashes, and people keep the habitude as a festival.

探讨“食野习俗”及其引发的生物链缺失问题。This paper study on the habitude of cooking wild animal and the faultiness of food Chain.

第二章为近代以来内蒙古东部地区蒙古人生活习俗发生变化的历史背景和社会经济原因。Chapter tuo analysed the cause of mongolian living habitude changed historical background and societal economy.

在频繁的社会交往中,体现人的气质、姿态、精神面貌和修养的形体美受到了关注。In various kinds of social affiliation, it is regarded to show people's habitude , gesture, spirit and culture.

由于独特的地理环境和族群迁徙,呈现出族群相互渗透、风俗互化的历史画卷。Because of the special geography and ethnical migration, Hezhou is historically ethnics integrated and habitude infiltrated.

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除缠足外还有一系列的习俗束缚着妇女参与社会劳动,强化着农村家庭内两性间的性别分工。Beside foot-binding, there are some other habitude effects women participate in social labor and strengthen sexual division of labor in peasant family.

梅花地村地处闽东山区屏南、古田两县交界处,特殊的山地地形,使这里的人们至今保持着传统的手工稻作生产方式和古朴的中秋习俗。The especial hilly terrain makes people here hold traditional handiwork in their rice planting and of primitive simplicity mid-autumn habitude as well.

主要涉及医疗侵权行为、证明责任等概念的含义、特点、性质及作用。It mainly deal with the concepts of medical malpractice, the burden of proof, The above concepts include meaning, characteristic, habitude and function.

环境行为习惯和平等的价值观的培养,更多的属于生态道德培养范畴。The training of environmental activity habitude and the equal viewpoint of value, mostly belong to the category of the training of ecologic moral education.

近代以来的移民开垦和蒙汉杂居局面的形成,使得内蒙古地区蒙古人传统生活习俗发生了诸多变化。While Modern emigrant reclaimed and Mongolian and Chinese lived together, the traditional living habitude of Mongolian has made many changes in Inner Mongolia.

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兀者或不材大木的意象质问著效用的态度而考虑自然中的无用。The images of the handicapped or the huge strange trees are this kind of images that urges the human habitude of utility to be replaced by a natural uselessness.

过调整心理状态,改正不良生活习惯,提高工作效率,减低工作压力,提高个人体质的综合措施,可避免亚健康状态。To avoid Subhealth according to adjusting psychology, correcting bad life habits, improving working efficiency, reducing working pressure, improving one's habitude.

精致秀美的波浪型窄花边条,和富有光泽质感的丝绒带组合,更加凸现柔美的女性气质和温馨的居家情怀。Refinement & pretty wave narrow lace , take a combination with lucidus ruban velour , underline more female ' s gentle & soft habitude and the feeling of daily life at home.

我们知道它是封建王权与新兴资产阶级相互妥协的产物,既有浓厚的封建宗教性质,又有符合资产阶级既得利益的一面。We know that it was the outcome of compromise between Feudal Monarchy and the rising bourgeois, which combines the deep feudalism habitude and the respect of protecting bourgeois's vested interest.