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这所学校提供一流的全面教育。The school provides an excellent allround education.

中国男篮的差距是全方位的,可以依赖的只有身高。Chinese basketball is poor at allround aspects, only can depend on height.

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人的全面发展是马克思主义的一个基本观点。To seek for human allround development is one of the basic Marxist viewpoint.

评价应促进高师生教学能力的全面发展。The evaluation should accelerate the allround development of their teaching ability.

文章认为,2004年大选是布什和共和党取得全面胜利的一次选举。The article holds that the 2004 election was an allround victory for Bush and the Republican Party.

聚醚二醇和聚醚三醇复配使用,可制得综合性能良好的单组分聚氨酯泡沫胶体系。With the compounding of polyether glycol and triol, the foam sealant can get good allround properties.

我开始使用我的全场技术来稳住他,今天奏效了。I started to use my allround game to stabilize him. That worked well today, because he's a tough player.

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高等学校在促进人的全面发展方面肩负着崇高的责任。The institutes of higher learning undertake the lofty responsibility in the promotion of the allround development of human.

诚信是人实现全面发展的必备素质,也是社会文明进步的道德基础和前提条件。Honesty is a must for an allround developed person, and the moral bases and precondition for a civilized and developed society.

与设置用户存取权限控制、冗余备份恢复、网络安全等多种安全策略共同建立有机的安全体系。Together with the technology of Access Control, redundant backup recovery and network security, it makes an allround security system.

它可以提高教学管理水平,提高教学质量和效益,促进学生的全面发展。This can raise the teaching management level, improve the teaching quality and effecacy and promote students to develop in an allround way.

对于胰腺癌患者首先应进行准确、全面的可切除性评估,从而选择合理、有效的治疗方法。Every pancreatic cancer patient should be made an accurate and allround resectable evaluation, then received reasonable and effective therapy.

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我做各种训练,从短跑到举重以及各种身体训练。我认为做为网球运动员,你必须很全面。We do everything from sprints to endurance to weights and classical allround fitness training. I think a tennis player must be an all-rounder.

但在15世纪以后,随着宗教向社会生活领域的全面渗透,藏族传统文化逐渐走向衰落。However, after the 15th century, with the religious allround infiltration into the social life, Tibetan traditional culture was on the decline.

为国内多家大中型消费品生产企业提供了多项经销商管理咨询服务。We have provided allround consulting services on franchiser management for many domestic big and medium-sized consumable manufacturing enterprises.

较高水平的情商是入世后人才素质全面发展及参与就业竞争的客观要求。Higher-level emotional quotient is the objective demand for the allround development of personnel quality and participation in employment competition.

在对人的本质及其实现形式、人的全面发展等问题的不断探求过程中,马克思主义充满了无限生机和活力。The unremitting efforts in pursuit of the knowledge as about human nature and its forms of actualization, the allround development of human beings, etc.

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经济的发展、社会的进步、人的全面发展三者在本质上是统一的,而人的解放具有最终的和根本性的意义。Economic development, social progress and man's allround development are in essence a unity, while man's emancipation is of ultimate, fundamental significance.

投资基金全能化以资本流动、增长周期等理论为依据,著眼于在低风险下通过多元混合投资获得高额稳定收益。Allround investment funds are based on the theory of capital flow and economic cycles aiming in obtaining high steady benefits through mixed investment in lower risk.

广东省政府、深圳市政府将为世界大运会提供最强力的财政支持和最全面的服务。The Guangdong Provincial Government and the Shenzhen Munici-pal Government are committed to rendering the most powerful financial support and allround services to the games.