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想要偷吻你就得大胆点。You have to be bole to steal a kiss.

在榆树周围已是一片郁郁葱葱Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf

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你是一片叶,一朵花,还是树干?Are you the leaf, the blossom on the bole?

大不了找到了博乐井千里马有了新的认识!Big deal to find a new understanding of Maxima of the Bole Well!

杭州总是使其天赋的设计师充分利用。BoLe , Hangzhou always makes good use of its talented designers.

伯乐立即从声音中判断出,这是一匹难得的骏马。Bole immediately determine from the voice, which is a rare horse.

没有一颗树有白桦美丽的树干,和赶上它出奇的漂亮。No tree has so fair a bole and so handsome an instep as the beech.

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伯乐立即从声音中判断出,这是一匹难得的骏马。Bole to immediately determine from the voice, which is a rare horse.

后来人们就用天上掌马星伯乐的名字来称呼他。Later, people in charge of the sky with stars Ma Bole to call him names.

那是因为适合你的还没出现,你的伯乐还没看到你。Because that suit your not appearing yet, your Bole has not seen you yet.

第一个被称作伯乐的人本名孙阳,他是春秋时代的人。Bole whose real name is Yang Sun, he is the person Spring and Autumn Period.

伯乐善于辨认千里马,他想把自己的儿子也培养成相马的能手。Good at recognizing Bole Chollima, he would also train his son into a master.

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一次,伯乐受楚王的委托,购买能日行干里的骏马。Time, Bole by Chu's mandate and accommodation, buying on line can be dry inside the horse.

但对碱回收的白泥有效利用问题没能彻底的解决。But some problems about the white bole efficient utilization have not been solved thoroughly.

但像伯乐,可以负担得起发电机的地方包括超过百分之一的埃塞俄比亚人的一半。But places like Bole that can afford generators comprise less than half of one percent of Ethiopians.

我相信自己是擅驰的骏马,更相信您是识马的伯乐!I believe I am a horse that is good at speeding, believe even more you are a Bole who knows the horse!

新疆博乐市的防虫害负责人说,他们已经发现了150只流浪猫来解决老鼠的问题。Pest control officials in Xinjiang province's Bole city said they have caught 150 stray cats to tackle rats.

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1993年后,在新疆博乐市州气象局担任计算机网络管理员。In 1993, he worked as computer network administrator in the State Aerography Bureau in Bole City, Xinjiang Province.

新浦磷矿设计中采用的巷道与地表直通式放水钻孔联合疏干技术,属国内首次使用。Xinpu Phosphate Mine is the first among mines in China to introduce the mine drainage by drift and drill bole in design.

今年52岁的老先生刘伯乐说,对于艾滋病的一些常识,因为经常从电视里看到,他还是有所了解的。This year, 52-year-old Mr. Liu Bole said that the number of AIDS Common sense, as often seen on television, he has to know.