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顶部超覆是无沉积作用间断的证据。Toplap is evidence of a non de-positional hiatus.

这种削蚀现象是侵蚀沉积间断的证据。Such truncation is evidence of an erosional hiatus.

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该旅游节目因为转播温布顿网球赛而暂停播出。The travel show was on hiatus during coverage of Wimbledon.

两部分之间的间隔不会太久!The hiatus between new episodes is never too unbearably long!

事实上,他曾经一度中断演艺生涯跑去学习制鞋。In fact, he once took a hiatus from acting to study shoemaking.

事实上,他曾经一度中断演艺生涯跑去学习制鞋。In fact, he once took a hiatus from acting to study shoemaking.

这就是为什么我中断这么久之后又写了这张帖子的原因。Which brings me to why I’m writing this post after such a long hiatus.

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但是她会不会认为她的星途会因为她久未发片而黯淡呢?。But does she think her star will dim after a long hiatus between albums?

上颌窦口和上颌窦内的气体流速均较低。The airflow in the maxillary air sinus and by the maxillary hiatus was slow.

食道裂孔赫尼亚很少被发现并发有部分胃阻塞。Hiatus hernia is rarely found to be associated with partial gastric obstruction.

此外,许多欧洲国家的政府正纷纷进入夏季怠政期。What's more, many European governments are entering their languid summer hiatus.

经内镜胃黏膜折叠成形术7例为滑动型疝。Endoscopic gastroplasty has been performed in 7 patients with sliding hiatus hernia.

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这种裂缝,深渊中污泥的龟裂,专门名词称之为地陷。This crevice, the hiatus of a gulf of mire, was called a fontis, in the special tongue.

一月份,正当广告狂人的拍摄空档,哈姆弃掉他的刮胡刀停止剃须。In January, while on hiatus from Mad Men, Hamm threw his razor away and stopped shaving.

结论改良法是检出食管裂孔疝的较好方法。Conclusion The means of improvement is a better way to diagnose esophageal hiatus hernia.

结论卧位钡餐透视是诊断食管裂孔疝的最佳方法。Conclusions Barium contrast study seems to be the best method in diagnosing hiatus hernia.

这事儿点醒了葡萄,文物走私经过十年的空白又开始活跃起来了。From them Grape comes to realize that antique smuggling has begun again after a ten-year hiatus.

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政策技术“双脱节”导致建筑节能支撑体系“软骨症”。Technology policy "double hiatus " in the construction of energy-efficient support system "soft.

在表格一内有关资料如有不全或错漏,可能导致处理所呈交的文件时出现暂停或延误。Incomplete or erroneous information in Form 1 may cause hiatus or delay in processing the submission.

乌玛在拍片间歇与伊森·霍克喜结连理,并迎来了婴儿马亚·雷的降生。Uma went on a brief hiatus to marry co-star Ethan Hawke and welcome their baby Maya Ray to the world.