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他专攻物理。He majors in physics.

物理是他的主修科目。Physics is his major.

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物理是他的主修科目。Physics was his major.

星期五我们上物理课。We have physics on Friday.

原子物理是我的专业。Nuclear Physics is my major.

物理学是他的主科。Physics is his main subject.

物理课很有趣。Physics is very interesting.

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他们在钻研物理学。They are digging at physics.

他们俩都学地球物理。They both study geo Physics.

他在柏林学习物理学。He studies physics in Berlin.

他在攻读物理学。He is working hard at physics.

新高中物理科词汇。NSS Physics Curriculum's term.

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现在我们来研究一下物理学原理。Now let's look at the physics.

光学是物理学的一个分科。Optics is a branch of physics.

简要地说来,这就是物理学。This is physics by sound-bite.

我想学原子物理。I want to study atomic physics.

我读的是物理系。I was in Department of Physics.

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他在物理学方面绝不亚于任何人。He is second to none in physics.

在黉舍我喜欢上物理课。I enjoy physics class at school.

这在物理里是确定的。That is nonnegotiable in physics.