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黄枪。好耍。Fire yellow gun.

他来时带来的是一把空枪。The gun was empty.

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枪炮喷吐出火舌。The gun spits fire.

他果然抢枪了。He did jump the gun.

我需要钉书机。I need a staple gun.

炮管旋转中。Gun barrels spinning.

丹尼斯举起枪。Dennis lifted the gun.

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不要动那枪。Don"t touch the gun ."

正在装置一门炮。Shot fired from a gun.

那枪射出子弹。That gun shoots bullets.

那是午炮。That's the Noon Day Gun.

别瞎弄那支枪。Don't fool with that gun.

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这支枪能装六发子弹。The gun holds six shells.

正在装置一门炮。The gun is being mounted.

战士挥动他的枪。The soldier waved his gun.

舰炮的弹药箱。Ammunition for a naval gun.

说着他取了沙威那支步枪。And he seized Javert's gun.

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枪炮轰鸣声震耳欲聋。The gun roared deafeningly.

我们听到乓的一声枪响。We heard the bang of a gun.

将压上一支钢枪。Will be pressed with a gun.