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那栋房子有石造的建筑物之正面。The house has a stone facade.

是基础还是门面?A foundation or just a facade?

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他漂亮的衣着只是虚有其表而已。His fine clothes are a mere facade.

没人喜欢跟一副空壳打交道。No one wants to deal with a façade.

正面墙上壁龛的人物。Statues in the niches of the facade.

不要被该游戏中那些匪徒式的外表给忽悠了。Don't be fooled by the gangster facade.

这个400多年前由耶稣会兴建的大教堂,如今的遗迹仅剩一面外墙。Only the facade of the building remains.

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他漂亮的衣着只是虚有其表而已。His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade.

正面是由56个柯林斯式的柱子装饰。The facade is adorned with 56 Corinthian columns.

三层的玻璃立面平整地嵌入木框架。The triple-glazed facade is trimmed in wood framing.

立面完全覆盖着统一的幕墙。The facade is fully covered in a unitized curtain wall.

该头像属于神殿正面的一尊巨像。The figure belongs to one of the colossi of the facade.

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立面成为展示孩子作品的橱窗。The facade becomes a vitrine that shows childrens' work.

古城里的老式阳台及外表的装饰。Traditional balconies and decorative facade in old town.

在内部与装饰性的外立面形成完全的对比。Internally there is a total contrast to the ornate façade.

上塘道的外立面也有同样经历。Exterior façade of Shangtang Avenue has the same experience.

东部的门面是由凉廊中涉及竹子。The eastern facade is composed of loggias covered in bamboo.

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横向结构处理部队的门面每12米。Horizontal structures handle forces on the facade every 12-m.

折叠的白色立面用砌筑技术构造出来。The folding white façade was formulated by masonry techniques.

但是在俄罗斯,表里差距有些大。But in Russia, the gap between façade and reality yawns larger.