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这意味着所有网络链接都是不加密和不经过身份验证的。This means that all network links are unencrypted and unauthenticated.

使用这些方法来对这个非授权的连接进行调用。Use these methods to make all calls on this connection unauthenticated.

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在大多数公共页面和无需身份验证的页面上,通常不需要会话。On most public and unauthenticated pages, sessions are not usually required.

当一个未经验证的用户试图访问受保护的资源时,提供一个登录页面。Present a login page whenever an unauthenticated user tries to access a protected resource.

必须创建一个用于对所有通过验证和没有通过验证的系统用户进行分组的安全角色。A security role that groups all authenticated and unauthenticated system users must be created.

MS05-047对此问题作描述,其中指出该漏洞无法被远程发现。The issue, outlined in MS05-047, cannot be exploited remotely by unauthenticated users, according to Microsoft.

另一个可能提供总体缓存信息的属性就是请求是否为未经身份验证的请求。Another attribute that may contribute to the overall cache information is whether or not a request is unauthenticated.

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通过使用不需要身份验证的打印机,或者设置一个只用于打印的特殊用户,可以避免这个漏洞。You can avoid this vulnerability either by having an unauthenticated printer or by having a special user for printing alone.

这意味着对于该方法的所有调用都不能被授权,即使应用程序服务器对于它们有已授权的上下文。This means that all calls on this connection will be unauthenticated even if the application server has authenticated context for them.

更准确地说,节点代码使用未经过身份验证的文件传输服务从部署管理器获取管理配置更新。More precisely, node agents pull admin configuration updates from the deployment manager using an unauthenticated file transfer service.

即使启用了安全性,部署管理器仍然使用未经过身份验证的协议向节点代理发送配置更新。Even when security is enabled, the deployment manager continues to communicate configuration updates to the node agents using an unauthenticated protocol.

在其他方面,这是一个标准的Razor视图,但它实现了认证的准备工作,并能演示被拦截且被重定向的未认证请求的情况。In all other respects, this is a standard Razor view, but it completes the preparations for authentication and demonstrates the way that unauthenticated requests are intercepted and redirected.