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我觉得它简直难看至极。I think it is an eyesore.

她是团体中的眼中钉。She is a real eyesore in the group.

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实际上,为什么现在不搬出那个眼中钉?In fact, why not move that eyesore out now?

这是一个显而易见的最难看的惨象。The scar on the polished tabletop is an eyesore.

旅游景点遍地垃圾,总会让人觉得大煞风景。A tourist spot covered with trash is a real eyesore.

这些花花绿绿的标牌立在校园里,怪碍眼的。These gaudy signs all over campus are a real eyesore.

在风景如此优美的地方有堆垃圾,真是有碍观瞻。That garbage heap is an eyesore in such a beautiful scenic spot.

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贫困产生了贫民窟,那里不仅有碍观瞻,而且卫生隐患严重。Poverty leads to slums, which are an eyesore and a health hazard.

也有人仅仅是觉得风电机太丑了,放在任何地方都很碍眼。Others simply find wind turbines ugly, an eyesore in any location.

宏大、夸张的设计理念可能会引人注目,但也可能成为扎眼的败笔。Big, dramatic concepts can be eye-catching, but they can also be an eyesore.

但是,对于达拉维的批评者来说,该棚户区就是城市的一个眼中钉。But, for Dharavi's detractors, the shantytown is an eyesore on an aspiring city.

他从昨天起就恳求她不要把贵重物品放在这玩意儿里。He'd pleaded with her since yesterday not to carry her valuables in that eyesore.

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阿水出了名的泡妞无数,是我们所有男人的眼中钉。The bubble girl that water of A gave a name countless, it is us the eyesore of all men.

在洛杉矶部分当地居民的眼里,这些广告牌不仅仅存在安全隐患,而且还容易令人产生厌恶感。In addition to safety concerns, the signs are considered by some locals to be an eyesore.

当阿拉达尔过去帮助掉队者的时候,他却成了铁石心肠的团队首领克朗的眼中钉。When we of darfur who left the past helped when he became a pitiless team leader krone"s eyesore."

虽然这看上去比使用大量的电源线和三相转换插座要好一些,但这些电线仍让人眼花缭乱。It looks better than having lots of power cords or three-way adaptors, but the cables are still an eyesore.

其中一个辩论中,对风力涡轮机是对选址,他们和他们的事业一有碍观瞻,对景观。One of the debates on wind turbines is on the siting of them and that they cause an eyesore on the landscape.

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或许,丹下健三的体育场在某些人眼里不好看,但目前它是东京最受欢迎的场所。Perhaps, Tange Stadium was an eyesore for some at the time, but now it is one of the most visited sites in Tokyo.

在沙漠中,一个蜿蜒地穿过景观的峡谷也可以让视线穿过而没有任何障碍。In the desert, a canyon that snakes through the landscape could also prevent crossing without creating an eyesore.

当地居民认为这座大楼不成比例的形状和“条形码”似的颜色设计简直是视觉污染。Locals complain that the tower's disproportionate size and "bar code" color scheme make it an unavoidable eyesore.