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形态学有屈折形态学和词汇形态学之分。Morphology consists of inflectional morphology and lexical morphology.

孔的大小在屈曲时增加,伸展时减少。The size of aperture is in inflectional when increase, decrease when extend.

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英语中有哪些主要屈折词缀?它们表达什么语法意义?What are the main inflectional affixes in English? What grammatical meaning do they convey?

本文通过丰富的例词探讨了满语中存在的元音屈折现象。Based on abundant example words, the paper discusses that there exists inflectional vowels in Manchu.

侧位屈曲位及伸展位片,可以显示腰椎在运动中的排列关系。Side position is inflectional reach extend piece, the permutation in can showing lumbar is moving concerns.

词尾是位于词根后面表示词形变化的标志,一般用来表示语法意义。Grammatical ending or inflectional morpheme is the sign after the root which modifies the words grammatically.

本文旨在说明古英语向中古英语的演变即屈折语向孤立语的转化过程。The transformation from inflectional language to isolating language is in the process that O. E. changes into M. E.

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下肢屈曲数次,并用拇指揉按足背面各趾间数次。Lower limbs is inflectional several, knead with big toe by sufficient the reverse side the number between each foot second.

英语里只有少数的名词有性的差别,并且这些词很少有屈折变化。There are only a small number of nouns indicating the gender distinction, and the elements indicating it are hardly inflectional.

吸气的时候,启动你的脊骨向下退,同时拉起双膝至屈曲的状态。Inspiratory when, those who start you is spinal retreat downward, pull double genu to come at the same time inflectional condition.

对于出现“老牛大憋气”者,切忌捂住口鼻、屈曲四肢,以免窒息。To appearing " old ox chokes with resentment greatly " person, avoid by all means covers shut up bazoo, inflectional limb, lest choke.

动词屈折形态的表征与加工已经成为关于语言加工性质争论的焦点。The representation and processing of verbal inflectional morphology has become the center of the debate on the nature of language processing.

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另外,屈曲、弯腰、咳嗽、妊娠、腹水、头低位仰卧等姿势均可诱发或加重烧心。Additional, inflectional , bow, cough, gravid, ascites, head is small lie on one's back wait to the pose all can be caused or accentuate heartburn.

屈折语素作为语法标记表示词的语法意义,屈折语素只限于词缀。Inflectional morphemes indicate the syntactic relationships between words and function as grammatical markers. Inflectional morphemes are confined to suffixes.

汉语属分析型语言,无形态标志,词语搭配的限制主要表现为语义蕴涵。Being an analytic language with no inflectional indications, word combination in Chinese, however, is mainly characterised by the conceptual meaning of lexical items.

普遍是因为英语是典型的具有曲折变化的语言,动词添加后缀或者零后缀可实现为名词。The popularity lies in the fact that English is a typical language undergoing inflectional changes. The addition of suffix realizes the transformation of verbs into nouns.

不正确的弯腰拾物姿势是双腿伸直站立,在不屈曲或少屈曲髋、膝关节的情况下弯腰拾东西。Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa , knee joint pick up a thing.

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而汉语是孤立语,其新词的形成则更多依赖于合成,而一种语言的词汇化程度与该语言中的派生词、复合词、借词等的发达程度有密切关系。English is inflectional language, most new words of which are formed from affixation, while Chinese is isolated morphologically formed, and most new words of which are compounds.

给出了周向初应力数值特征对端部受推力竖直向上加速圆柱壳弹性屈曲形式和临界力的影响。The inflectional form and the critical value's effect imposed by circumferential initial stress character on cylindrical thin shell beard the thrust at axis, accelerating upwards erect.

属于拐点不稳定性的高频二次不稳定模态对最后转捩的影响主要体现在与其它扰动的相互作用,并导致出现紊流状态宽带频谱。The main effect of inflectional instability mode in the final breakdown seems to interact with the disturbances having developed and thus widens the frequency spectrum to turbulent state.