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农民拿出陕西吉他。The peasants brought out their Shensi guitars.

宣言是在陕北佳县神泉堡起草的。It was drafted at Shenchuanpao, Chiahsien County, northern Shensi.

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杨梅对胃黏膜有一定的刺激作用,故溃疡病患者要慎食。Bayberry has some of the gastric stimulation, it should be Shensi ulcer patients.

今年三月,川陕边区的红军也开始转移。In March this year the Red Army in the Szechuan- Shensi border area began its shift.

陕西的很多穆斯林被赶出家园,被迫到甘肃寻求避难。Many of the Shensi Muslims were driven from their homes and forced to take refuge in Kansu.

在艺术工作方面,不但要有话剧,而且要有秦腔和秧歌。In the arts, we must have not only modern drama but also the Shensi opera and the yangko dance.

同红军战士说说笑笑——对中国妇女来说,特别是对陕西妇女来说,这是非常开通的一种现象。Laugh and joke with the Red warriors, is a very emancipated way for Chinese women-especially Shensi women.

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在西安府以北大约150英里的一个市镇——洛川,当时是陕西红区的起点。Lochuan, a town about one hundred fifty miles north of Sianfu, then marked the beginning of Red territory in Shensi.

这个提纲为一九三七年八月二十二日至二十五日在陕北洛川召开的中共中央政治局扩大会议所通过。It was approved by the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at Lochuan, northern Shensi.

这次会议是由陕西省比较文学学会和包括清华大学在内的几所大学联合举办的。The conference is jointly sponsored by the Shensi Comparative Literature Association and several universities including Tsinghua University.

刘端之心与外部世界的亦儒亦道的关系,又反证了“神思”中的心物关系是创作主体之心徘徊在功利与非功利之间。This in turn proved that the relation in Shensi is the creation subject's stroll through the world of utilitarianism and ultra-utilitarianism.

过敏体质的人应慎食海鲜,因为除了避免食用特定的过敏原之外,海鲜过敏并没有很好的预防方法。Allergy should Shensi seafood, because in addition to avoiding specific food allergens, allergic to seafood and not a very good method of prevention.

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一年后,残部到达陕西省并且最终到了安全的延安窑洞,在那里重新组织了从1946年到1949年试卷中国的革命。A year later, the survivors reached Shensi Province and eventually the safety of Yenan's caves, there to rebuild for the revolt that swept China from 1946 to 1949.

这个地名有“西方平安”的意思,是陕西省的省会,要从北平向西南坐两天两夜劳累的火车,才能到达陇海路西段的这个终点站。Sianfu was the capital of Shensi province, it was two tiresome days and nights by train to the southwest of Peking, and it was the western terminus of the Lunghai railway.