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他在秘鲁人民心中的地位远超过玻利瓦尔。He in Peruse people's heart is much more important than Bolivar.

它的味道与高朗拿十分相似,口味是带有保利华特点的浓郁。Its taste is quite similar to Coronas. The characteristic strong Bolivar taste.

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去年,中国也帮助委内瑞拉建造并发射了西蒙玻利瓦尔号卫星。Last year, China also helped Venezuela build and launch the Simon Bolivar satellite.

空中影像显示飓风艾克对得克萨斯州的玻利瓦尔半岛造成的破坏。Video from the air shows the destruction Hurricane Ike had on the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas.

玻利瓦尔广场上有哥伦比亚国会、市政厅、最高法院和一座大教堂。Bolivar Square is home to Colombia's congress, city hall, supreme court and a major cathedral.

气象录像显示了飓风艾克对田纳西州玻利瓦尔半岛造成的眼中破坏。HW1. Video from the air shows the destruction Hurricane Ike had on the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas.

该国居民向外汇交易商兑换美元,以防范通货膨胀或是本国货币博利瓦贬值的风险。Residents seeking protection agai t inflation or a devaluation of the bolivar turn to currency traders.

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从那以后好些年,我一直以为玻利瓦尔是死在了沙滩上被人找到的。From then on, and for many years afterward, I had the idea that Bolivar had been found dead on the beach.

一棵高耸入云的圣诞树就像一个哨兵站在玻利瓦尔广场,哥伦比亚的首都波哥大。Christmas tree stands sentinel in Bolivar Square, located in the heart of Bogotá, the capital of Colombia.

起先,他说当局要将委国货币「玻利瓦尔」的面额去掉三个零。First, he said the authorities would remove three zeroes from the denomination of the currency, the bolivar.

继而又宣布,币值相当于旧「玻利瓦尔」一千倍的新货币,将更名为「大玻利瓦尔」。Then he said the new one, worth 1,000 old bolivars, would be renamed the " bolivar fuerte, " or strong bolivar.

杨雪霏的音乐会是玻利维音乐厅吉他系列中的压轴,她的演出是非常,非常的感人。Xuefei Yang's concert was the last of the Bolivar Hall Guitar Series and her playing was very, very impressive.

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这架航班属于阿塞卡航空公司所有,原计划从加拉加斯飞往东南部玻利瓦尔州的奥尔达斯港。Airlines that all flights are A Saika, original plan to fly from Caracas, Bolivar State in southeastern Orr Das port.

用组织学方法对短额负蝗卵子发生和卵母细胞凋亡进行了显微观察。The oogenesis and oocyte apoptosis of Atractomorpha sinensis Bolivar were observed by using routine histological techniques.

据报,随行的还有两只小狗,以及一张南美独立英雄西蒙。Chavez was reportedly accompanied by two small dogs and a very large painting of South American independence hero Simon Bolivar.

南美洲西部的内陆国家,以在825年协助其从西班牙独立出来的西蒙·玻利维亚的名字命名。A landlocked country of western South America. It was named after Simón Bolívar who helped win its independence from Spain in 825.

南美洲西部的内陆国家,以在1825年协助其从西班牙独立出来的西蒙·玻利维亚的名字命名。A landlocked country of western South America. It was named after Simón Bolívar who helped win its independence from Spain in 1825.

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他告诉本网站说,他认为1995年他第一次被免职是因为反对西蒙·玻利瓦尔大学接管IDEA。He told SciDev.Net he believes that his first dismissal, in 1995, was for opposing a takeover of IDEA by the Simón Bolívar University.

但是现在没有巴西人的玻利瓦尔之类的事情类分散民众的注意力,并且也没有一种平等的意识形态来反对它。But there is no Brazilian Bolívar to distract attention from these injustices, and no founding ideology of equality to set against them.

厄瓜多尔几乎失去了三分之一的冰。"Ecuador has nearly lost one third of its ice," says the glaciologist Bolivar Caceres, the head of the government's glacier and meteorology unit.