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因此我们应该知道著名的海姆利希时刻。And so we have known some famous Heimlich moments.

她本想自己尝试做海姆利克氏操作法但却无效。She attempted to perform the Heimlich maneuver on herself but it didn't work.

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关于子女使用哈姆立克急救法上执行类似成年人它。Using the Heimlich maneuver on a child is similar to performing it on an adult.

这时,比尔的一个朋友高声问道,“有人会海姆利克氏操作法吗?Just then, one of Bill's friends, yelled, "Does anyone know the Heimlich maneuver?"

岁的女儿滔滔不绝地讲述心肺复苏法和海姆利克氏操作法,母亲赞许地频频点头。As the 12-year-old went on and on about CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, mom nodded proudly.

在这影片免费急救与技巧上的孩子从一消防队员哈姆立克急救法。Do the Heimlich maneuver on a child with tips from a firefighter in this free first aid video.

但是,我吸气时不小心给吸进去了,男友给我做急救,打断了我三根肋骨。Instead, I inhaled it and my boyfriend broke three of my ribs giving me the Heimlich maneuver.

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这条狗的主人相信它是想进行海姆利克氏操作法来救她的命。The dog's owner believes the dog was trying to perform the Heimlich maneuver and saved her life.

瑞恩克斯曾从她妈妈那里学过海姆利克氏急救法,于是明白老师要她做什么。Rinks , who had learned the Heimlich from her mother, figured out what the teacher was directing her to do.

让我的千钧一发和他迅速的行动提醒大家,知晓海姆利希手法是多么重要。Let my close call and his quick action serve to alert others to the importance of knowing the Heimlich method.

急诊医生Stennes博士知道,如若处置得当,这对于helimlich演习也同样适用。An emergency physician, Dr. Stennes knew that if done right, this would have the same effect as the Heimlich maneuver.

她试著对自己进行哈姆立克急救法,但是没有用,她开始捶自己的胸口后,她表示陶比注意到了。She tried to perform the Heimlich maneuver on herself, but it did not work. After she began beating on her chest, she said Toby noticed.

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该海姆利克氏操作法是为了迅速处理,迫使空气从肺部了喉咙,迫使梗阻窒息了受害者意识。The Heimlich maneuver is done to treat a conscious choking victim by forcing air quickly up the throat from the lungs to force the obstruction out.

这些症状可能看上去跟犯心脏病一样,但是这个人,我向你保证,海姆利克操作法可以救他!The symptoms may appear to be the same as those of a man suffering from a heart attack, but this man, I assure you, can be saved by the Heimlich Maneuver!

本哈姆立克急救法做是为了做腹部刺治疗强迫空气从肺部迅速了喉咙,迫使阻塞,窒息昏迷的受害者。The Heimlich maneuver is done to treat an unconscious choking victim by doing abdominal thrusts to force air quickly up the throat from the lungs to force the obstruction out.

接着他的拳头在从我隔膜下方突然地打过来,突然的压力迫使我的胸腔压迫肺里的空气——是海姆利希手法。The next thing I knew he was placing his fists below my diaphragm and applying sudden, sharp pressure just below my rib cage to force the air out of my lungs in the Heimlich maneuver.