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我们显示结果为奇数,然后我们继续。Again, wow.

哇。又大又蓝。Wow. The big blue.

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老哥说“哇”Brother says "wow""

四个全中,哇哦!Four for four. Wow.

我说,哇,那是我的车。I say wow that's my car.

哇哦,谈谈复仇。Wow. Talk about revenge.

一个能让人过上幸福生活的令人惊奇的诀窍。One Wow to the good life.

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哇啊哇,中国是妄想狂吗?Wow. Paranoid much China?

哇,这工作实在太有趣了。Wow this job is really fun.

哇,-大概就是这样。Wow. -That is sort of that.

哇,它看起来真漂亮。Wow.It looks very beautiful.

魔兽世界是一面印照出显示生活的镜子。WOW is a mirror of real life.

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哇!今天可真热啊!Wow ! It's really hot today !

哦,我一定见过它的照片。Wow. I’ve seen pictures of it.

很好听,哇。祝你好运,伙计。Beautiful, wow. Gook luck, man.

我想要的是轰动的因素。I am looking for the Wow factor.

好的,我得到了相同答案。Wow. Well, I got the same answer.

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学校活动真多啊,哇哦。Lots going on at this school, Wow.

可是,我们叫绝的因素存在哪里?Where is the "wow" factor, though?

哇!我真佩服你的决心。Wow , I admire your determination.