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在阿富汗很少可以看到无伴侣的的女人。In Afghanistan you seldom see an unaccompanied woman.

揭幕式当晚的音乐会重要以大提琴独奏为主。The opening night concert featured unaccompanied cello only.

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美丽而无德,犹如花之无香。Beauty , unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume.

在这座博物馆底下,游客可以在无人陪伴的情况下独自沿着一条气味浓烈的泄水道漫步。Underneath, visitors can stroll unaccompanied along a redolent sluiceway.

空有外表美而没有心灵美的女人,和有花却无香没什么区别。Beauty unaccompanied by virtue is as a flower without perfume. ----Dryden.

作为一名艾滋病毒感染者,郭先生是带着女儿来到举目无亲的大连。As an HIV-infected persons, Mr. Guo is with her daughter came to Dalian unaccompanied.

昂山素季在无卫兵监视限制下进入法庭。Suu Kyi walked into the court unrestricted and unaccompanied by guards, the source said.

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而推着婴儿车的母亲们,则不愿和身穿单调制服的保姆在一起,显得非常无趣。Mothers pushed strollers, unaccompanied by nannies dressed in telltale monotone uniforms.

道歉是好的,但如果伴以行动,将更有助于解决冲突。Apologies are nice, but if they're unaccompanied by action, they can contribute to conflict.

巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲结构严谨,富于哲理性和逻辑性。Bach s unaccompanied cello cento has precise structure, and has philosophical and logical senses.

每个月都有一百多个无人陪伴的孩子越过津巴布韦——南非边境寻梦而来。Every month, more than 100 unaccompanied children cross the border from Zimbabwe into South Africa.

其中大多数儿童年纪在18岁以下,有许多人已失去双亲或无人陪伴。The majority of the young people are below the age of 18 years, many of them orphaned or unaccompanied.

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人们不能指望没有一滴血就能产生人类状况的根本变革。One cannot expect a radical transformation of the human condition to be unaccompanied by a bit of blood.

Enright解释说,如果家长提出要求,乘务人员可以屏蔽无人陪同的未成年乘客所在座位的影片内容。Enright said crew were able to block content to the seat of unaccompanied minors at the request of parents.

那里的救援人员正设法确认无人陪伴儿童的身份,让他们和家人团聚。Aid workers at the sites are working to identify unaccompanied children and reunite them with their families.

一个基本的原则是永远不要独自潜水或潜泳,尽可能通过旅行社预订。A basic rule is never to dive or snorkel unaccompanied. Where possible make any bookings through your tour representative.

对于那些考虑独自出国旅行的年轻人来说,他们最大的顾虑之一便是寂寞难耐。One of the greatest concerns of young people who are considering traveling abroad unaccompanied is that they’ll be lonely.

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一般来说,伊富高族音乐,可以区分成纯粹的器乐合奏和没有伴奏的人声歌唱。In general, the Ifugao tribal music can be distinguished into purely musical ensemble and unaccompanied human vocal singing.

学生家长从即日起不再允许进入学校校园,低年级的学生入、离校安排好接送老师。Parents are not allowed in the campus unaccompanied. Teachers should be on duty when lower grades students come to and leave the campus.

指用单一的、无伴随旋律写成的音乐作品,通常包括由低沈的鼓声作出的曲子。Music consisting of a single unaccompanied melodic line. The concept often also includes melody that is accompanied by a drone of by drumming.