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这个选择也很环保。It's a greener choice to make.

比雅典要绿,当然。Greener than Athens, certainly.

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雪色犹增芳草碧。Snowy color makes grass greener.

跃进到更绿色的纳米技术?Leapfrogging to greener nanotech?

还有什么能比植物更环保呢?What could be greener than plants?

而马尔默声称自己更环保。And Malmö claims to be even greener.

这山望着那山高。The grass is greener on ther other side.

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使城市绿化有许多优点。Making cities greener has many advantages.

为了创造明天的绿色家园,我们现在能做些什么呢?What can we do today for a greener tomorrow?

我们可以少少造些绿色环保的小坝。It can build fewer, smaller and greener dams.

草永远是另一边的更绿,花永远是别家的更香。The grass is always greener on the other side.

爱因斯坦,鄂鱼是更绿一些呢,还是更宽一些?Einstein, a crocodile is greener or is it wider?

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他说跟着他,可以到青翠葱绿的牧场!He says we should follow him to greener pastures!

有几大因素推动着电脑的“绿色化”。Several factors are pushing companies to be greener.

我们应该种植更多的树以使我们的城市变得更加绿化。We should plant more trees to make our city greener.

我们应该种更多的树,绿化我们的城市。We should plant more trees to make our city greener.

有了您的参与,地球将会变得更加绿意盎然,更加清新美丽!With your support, the earth will be greener and prettier!

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是因为苏西认为家花总是不如野花香。Cause Suzy thinks the grass is always greener on the other side.

以下是2010年绿色科技小发明大会最受欢迎的四款产品。Here are four of our favoriteproducts from Greener Gadgets 2010.

但卡洛斯-阿梅亚知道,他自己更愿意将餐馆经营得更加绿色环保。But Carlos Amaya knew he wanted to make the business even greener.