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她的钻戒闪耀夺目。Her diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy.

她那容光焕发的微笑似乎是残酷的。Smile seemed heartless in its brilliancy.

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我们将与您携手共创辉煌。We will work with you to create the brilliancy together.

他很想知道,今夜这异乎寻常的辉煌场面意味着什么。He wondered what such unusual brilliancy could mean tonight.

一八三○年革命的光芒是从这里来的,它的温顺也是从这里来的。Hence the brilliancy of the Revolution of 1830, hence, also, its mildness.

渴望您的支持,期待与您携手共创辉煌!Eager to support you, look forward to working with you to create the brilliancy together!

清代公文制度体现了封建社会公文制度的最后辉煌。It embodied the last brilliancy of the official document system in the feudalistic society.

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愿所有期望和祝福涌向你,更祈望新的一年事业更辉煌!May all good wishes and blessings come to you, and may New Year bring your more brilliancy.

爱民,严于律己,服务社会,共创辉煌。Love the people, strict in request the oneself, serve society, create the brilliancy together.

精诚合作,同谋发展,共创辉煌!Earnest and sincere cooperation, conspire together the development, create the brilliancy together!

我们为今天的成就而自豪,更应该为明天的辉煌而骄傲。We are proud of the achievement of today, should even be pride of brilliancy tomorrow of the company.

她禀赋超凡的文才,又肩负着家庭生活的重担。She was gifted with literary brilliancy while she shouldered the responsibility of supporting her family.

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雪莱另一类抒情诗具有辉煌的想象和优美的情致。Snow Lai another lyric poetry has the feeling of the imagination and beautiful of brilliancy with the result that.

我们愿与广大的电子同行的朋友一起携手共创辉煌!We wish to hold hands with the friend who goes together in electronics profession to create the brilliancy together!

客户的满意是我们追求的永恒目标,期待与您携手共创辉煌。Customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit of goals, look forward to working with you to create the brilliancy together.

格鲁克的歌剧改革可以说为当时意大利歌剧的发展和以后的辉煌奠定了坚实的基础。We can say that the opera reform of Gluck lays a solid foundation for the development of Italian opera and the later brilliancy.

第二十九届北京奥运会开幕式,创意新颖、风格独特、精彩成功!New and original in creating, unique style, brilliancy and success to the Twenty-ninth Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in Peijing.

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多萝茜和她的朋友们,虽然眼镜被绿眼镜遮住了,但是在最初都被这个神奇的城的光芒眩迷了。Even with eyes protected by the green spectacles, Dorothy and her friends were at first dazzled by the brilliancy of the wonderful City.

其数量多、种类多、题材慎广,展现了泉州伊斯兰教艺术的辉煌和伊斯兰教的传播态势。Amount many, category many, the topic be carefully wide, display the Quan Zhou Islamism art of brilliancy and Islamism of dissemination situation.

而且,在教育批评过程中要让“理性”的光辉投射进去,促进教育的进步和发展!Moreover, we must make "rational" brilliancy project into the process of educational criticism, to promote the progress and development of education.