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来点儿夜宵怎么样?How about a snack?

需要一份快餐吗?Need a quick snack?

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我们怎么计划零食?So how to we snack?

你喜欢吃小吃吗?Do you love to snack?

现在是吃加餐的时间。It is time for a snack.

我拿茶和蛋糕当点心吃。I snack on tea and cake.

小吃可选择生鲜蔬菜。Snack on raw vegetables.

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我可不可以再吃一点点心呀?Can I have another snack?

就是台湾特色小吃——海蛎煎。It is a Taiwan-style snack.

想要来点小吃吗?Would you care for a snack?

在电脑边准备能量小吃。Power snack at your computer.

我正在吃宵夜。I am eating my midnight snack.

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特色小吃也是一点食物可吃。A snack is a little food to eat.

鱿鱼丝是很好吃的点心。Dried cuttlefish is tasty snack.

另一位母亲则准备小吃。Another mother supplied the snack.

你有没有炸洋芋片可以吃?Do you have any chips to snack on?

鱿鱼丝是很好吃的点心。Dried cuttlefish is a tasty snack.

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我在小吃摊儿吃了一杯刨冰。I had shaved ice at a snack stand.

要什么下酒菜呢?What kind of snack should we have?

哪间小食店是你早喜爱的?Where is your favorite Snack shop?