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有时候是罗马命令的破坏分子。Sometimes they were subversive enemies of the Roman order.

新闻局将禁止煽动性刊物。The Information Bureau will prohibit some subversive publications.

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有什么能够比针锋相对的自由思想更能刺痛他们呢?What better way to hurt them than with the subversive idea of freedom?

这种痕量元素就是使得偷得浮生半日闲更加令人惬意。This subversive element is what makes the time stolen more pleasurable.

他是反叛上帝又反叛君主的专搞颠覆的异教徒。He's a subversive infidel rebellious alike against his God and his king.

确实,就连质疑听起来都像是邪恶的破坏行动。Indeed, to even question it sounds like a devilish, subversive activity.�

以这个名义,他收集了搞叛变和颠覆活动的阴谋计划的情报。In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs.

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它一直是主要动力,每颠覆运动,在十九世纪。It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century.

性的思想是对我们年轻人的精神污染。They are contaminating the minds of our young people with these subversive ideas.

1971年,他在科特迪瓦因为涉嫌“颠覆教学”被逮捕。In nineteen seventy-one, he was arrested in Ivory Coast for "subversive teaching."

对这些人来说,双语教育是一些女士的险恶用心和颠覆。For these people , the bilingual education is something ms sinister and subversive.

但在这部8集的迷你剧中,肯尼迪却以颠覆性形象出现。But in this set of 8 mini-drama, but the subversive image of John F. Kennedy appeared.

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毕竟,民主也曾经被人看作是异想天开、具颠覆性的观念,遭到国君与教士同声谴责。Democracy, after all, was once a far-out , subversive notion, condemned by kings and priests.

本文还研究了她们的“酷儿”特性的颠覆性的一方面。In this paper, the subversive aspect of their queerness will be examined in concrete context.

从某种角度来讲,让贝蒂娃娃来饰演白雪公主,也完全说得通——但是,也颇具颠覆性。It makes perfect sense, in a way, to cast Betty Boop as Snow White -- but it's also subversive.

因此,古代社会咒骂货币是换走了自己的经济秩序和道德秩序的辅币。The ancients therefore denounced money as subversive of the economic and moral order of things.

但是渐渐他开始喜欢上了绘画颠覆性的平静和创造性,后来他又喜欢上了雕塑。But he slowly began to love the subversive peace and creativity of painting, and then sculpture.

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政府看到了将锡安主义分子丑化为阴谋颠覆政权的街头流氓的机会。The government saw an opportunity to present Zionists as nothing more than subversive hooligans.

他们清楚谁在煽风点火、嬉笑怒骂,但是他们却没有注意到柏林墙即将倒塌。They knew who was telling subversive jokes—but missed the fact that the Wall was about to come down.

与此相对应的是,CND虽在当时很是流行,却不曾被列为‘颠覆机构’。In contrast, CND, which was very popular at the time, was not regarded as a "subversive organisation".