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小麦的胚芽对增进健康很有好处。Wheat germ is very health-giving.

于是,逃跑的计划萌发了。The germ of an escape plan formed.

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而卵子是一种生殖细胞An egg is an example of a germ cell.

小麦胚具有很高的营养价值。Wheat germ has many health-benefits.

另一种生殖细胞是精子细胞The other germ line cell is the sperm cell.

这种甲虫要吃谷物的胚芽。This beetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.

这种菌会导致结肠炎。The germ can lead to a condition called colitis.

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麸皮和胚芽是营养品的主要组成部分。The bran and germ hold the bulk of the nutrients.

人类的胚芽是在你母亲的愿望里。The germ of the race is in your mother's longing.

这种细菌附着在病人使用过的东西上。This germ is found on things used by the patients.

成熟的男性生殖细胞,在睾丸内制造成的。A mature male germ cell, produced in the testicles.

小麦胚芽油是一种未经提炼的天然植物油。Wheat germ oil is unrefined vegetable oils, natural.

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小麦胚芽油是从细菌中提取的小麦籽粒。Oil "is" extracted from wheat germ bacteria of wheat.

最让人恐怖的细菌培养器之一可能是你的办公室。One of the scariest germ incubators may be the office.

GMA对雄性小鼠生殖细胞也有遗传毒性。GMA was also genotoxic to germ cells of male mice in vivo.

把它们概括一下,微生物理论和恶魔理论We've got, roughly, germ theory and we've got demon theory.

加工过的谷物把麸皮和胚芽去除了。When grains are refined, the bran and the germ are removed.

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陈韵�的研究领域是生殖细胞的细胞周期。Iris is interested in studying the cell cycle of germ cells.

或者食用全麦食物和附和吃些小麦胚芽。Or use whole-wheat flour and sprinkle wheat germ on your food.

因为在谷物精制过程中,麸皮和胚芽都被脱除了。The refining process removes the bran and germ from the grain.