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你为什麽没收小费?Why didn't you accept the gratuity?

坐出租车也不需要给小费。Gratuity is not expected in taxicabs.

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那人给你多少小费?How much gratuity did you get from that man?

别忘了账单上已经额外加了小费。Don’t forget the gratuity has already been added.

在这个金钱至上的都市里,给小费是司空见惯的。Gratuity is customary in this money-mad metropolis.

在这个金钱至上的大都市里,给小费是司空见惯的。Gratuity is customary in this money-mad metropolis.

你怎么看待小费这种现象?What do you think about this phenomenon of gratuity?

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你有给餐厅服务生小费吗?Did you give the gratuity to the waiter in the restaurant?

有次我负责给一个12人的桌子布菜,账单是要小费的。I once had a table of 12 people, so gratuity was included.

但在当地的饭馆里,却没有心要附加小费。But at local restaurants, there's no need to add a gratuity.

说到“小费”,你可千万别给酒保现金以表示谢意。正确的做法是请酒保喝一盅。Speaking of tips, you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity.

通常一个车夫为了得到一点小费,什么事都干得出来,甚至会去捏造。A coachman who wants a gratuity is capable of anything, even of imagination.

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酒钱,小费因快捷的服务而给予的赏金或小费,尤指在一些近东国家里。A gratuity or TIP, paid to expedite service especially in some Near Eastern countries.

这番话对张作霖很是受用,吃的高兴走的时候还打了赏钱!The words of Zhang zuolin is very enjoyable, happy to eat away also played a gratuity.

但这不意味这我的小费就是必须要给的,或者至少成为服务的动机?But doesn’t that mean that my gratuity should be a reward for better service, or at least an incentive?

很多人有时会遗忘账单上已附上小费的费用,于是会爆发重复付小费的景况。Sometimes large parties are unaware that a gratuity has been added to the bill, so they tip on top of it.

因为,许多从事服务性活动的老人与孩子,小费是其全部收入。Because, many people engaged in service activities, the old man and the child gratuity is all of its income.

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各收支项目已直接在附注6的资本补助金及附注7的约满酬金储备内确认。Directly in the Capital subvention fund and gratuity reserve fund as disclosed in notes 6 and 7 respectively.

我点了我的纯咖啡,把银行卡递给侍者,拿起钢笔签名,停在了小费那栏。I order my small black coffee, hand the barista my debit card, grab the pen to sign off, and halt at the gratuity line.

说到“小费”,你可千万别给酒保现金以表示谢意。正确的做法是请酒保喝一盅。Speaking of tips, you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity . The correct behaviour is to offer them a drink.