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跷二郎腿跷二郎腿会使腿部血流不畅,影响健康。Organisation Erlang Tui WHO Erlang Tui will flow impeded the leg, affect health.

从工程地质研究思路的角度出发,对位于川藏公路二郎山隧道西口和平沟泥石流进行了研究。The Hepinggou Landslide is located at west portal of the highway tunnel in the Erlang Mountain.

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作者们指出Erlang非常适合用来实现这个系统,它包括了大概2万行代码。The authors note that Erlang is well suited to implementing the system, and that it comprises around 20,000 lines of code.

而在Erlang中不需要使用循环,因为尾递归函数会被自动优化在固定的空间中运行。In Erlang there is no need for loops because tail recursive functions are transparently optimized to run in constant space.

四川省天全县坐落于著名的二郎山东麓,沿东西走向翻过二郎山便进入康藏地区。Tianquan County is located at the eastern foot of the Erlang Mountain. After crossing the mountain, we entered Tibetan-inhabited area.

基于二郎山隧道工程,介绍了EGM96在平面网中垂线偏差改正的应用。Based on the Erlang Mountain Tunnel, the paper introduces application of EGM96 in correction of perpendicular deviation in plane network.

Typesafe的Akka更是极大地简化了分布式处理模型,让您可以使用Erlang那样健壮的基于消息的计算。From Typesafe you have Akka that greatly simplifies the distributed processing model to give robust messaging based computing like Erlang.

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现在我们加载了业务规则,也为每条规则构造好了Erlang函数,是时候把市场数据参数传给它们了。Now that we have loaded our business rules and built Erlang functions for each of them, it is time to apply market data arguments to them.

哮天犬受二郎神的指使将“宝莲灯”盗走并捉拿三圣母,将她压在华山下。The deified dog, instigated by Erlang Shen, stole away the magic lotus lantern and had San Sheng Mu weighed down under the Huashan Mountain.

为满足不断扩大的市场需要,公司将于2006年整体搬迁到重庆二郎科技开发区的新生产基地。In order to address the expansion of market shares, Yihong will be moved to its newly built plant in Chongqing Erlang Development Zone in 2006.

Erlang的一个核心设计概念就是“进程”实例之间没有共享存储,它们的通信只能依靠异步消息。One of the key design concepts of Erlang is that there is no shared memory between "process" instances. They only communicate via asynchronous messages.

从工程地质研究思路的角度出发,对位于川藏公路二郎山隧道西口和平沟泥石流进行了研究。In this paper, the debris flow characteristics of Heping gully are studied, which located in the west outlet of Erlang mountain Tunnel, Sichuan-Tibet Road.

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我在这里选择了投资金融领域作为例子,向你展示在Erlang运行时系统里,翻译并执行平直的英文语句是多么简单的一件事情。The domain I have chosen is investment finance. You will see how easy it is to translate plain English at runtime and execute it in the Erlang Runtime System.

本文以景观生态学原理和方法为指导,以四川省二郎山国家森林公园为研究实体,应用3S技术进行景观生态安全格局研究。In order to study landscape pattern in the MT. Erlang National Forest Park in Sichuan province, the theory and methods of landscape ecology and 3S technology was used.

摘要利用随机过程和排队论的基础知识,对爱尔朗排队模型进行性能分析和参数求解,给出其在机场旅客航站楼中的应用范围。Using the basic knowledge of random process and queuing theory analyses the performance and parameters of erlang queuing model and gives its scope of the application in airport terminals.

通过统计数据,指出它们的分布特点,并通过假设检验,得到非生产停泊时间符合爱尔朗分布,燃油价格符合威布尔分布的结论。By statistical analysis,their distribution charac- ters are deduced that the non-production waiting time follows the Erlang distribution,while the fuel price fol- lows Weibull distribution.

但二郎山为横断山脉一部分,地形地貌相当复杂,是最具生物多样性地区之一,尚需深入研究。Erlang Mountain belongs to the Hengduan Mountain area, and the topography and landforms are complex, the biological diversity is rich, the Calyptratae should be deeply researched in this area.

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邛崃山自北向南的主要山脉有霸王山、巴朗山、夹金山和二朗山,是四川盆地和青藏高原的天然地理界线。Consisted of Bawang Mtn. , Balang Mtn. , Jiajin Mtn. and Erlang Mtn. , from north to south, the Qionglai Mountain Range is the natural dividing line between the Sichuan Basin and the tibetan plateau.

邛崃山自北向南的主要山脉有霸王山、巴朗山、夹金山和二朗山,是四川盆地和青藏高原的天然地理界线。Consisted of Bawang Mtn. , Bslang Mtn. , Jiajin Mtn. and Erlang Mtn. , from north to south, the Qionglai Mountain Range is the natural dividing line between the Sichuan Basin and the tibetan plateau.