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这就是现在的政策。That's been the ongoing policy.

没有持续的成员资格。There is no ongoing membership.

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这是一起正在审理的医疗事故讼案。This is an ongoing malpractice suit.

该研究开始于1998年,并且还在继续。The study began in 1998 and is ongoing.

进一步的长期试验仍在进行中。Further long-term tests are still ongoing.

蔚蓝的天际之上,“苍鹰”行动正在进行之中。The blue sky above, goshawk action is ongoing.

这一证实将要引起一场争论。That confirmation will stoke an ongoing debate.

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塑料和渔具是正在持续的危险。Plastics and fishing gear are an ongoing danger.

此过程非常重要,应该持续进行。This process is important, and should be ongoing.

你是怎样看待这场持续的争论呢?What do you think about this ongoing controversy?

发送正在进行高兴的想法这个阳光花!Send ongoing happy thoughts with this sunny flower!

再度国家的统一工作已经开始。The re-unification of the country is already ongoing.

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研究也强调了不断扩大的种族不平等性。The study also highlights ongoing racial disparities.

我们持续地完善那些计划中的假设。We challenge the assumptions of those plans, ongoing.

“整个夏天一直这样,”考贝克说到。"This is an ongoing thing all summer, " Kaulback says.

周二,博客上对于年度词汇花落谁家的讨论仍在继续。On blogs Tuesday, debate about the decision was ongoing.

供体胰腺没有充分利用的问题依然存在。Pancreas underutilization appears to be an ongoing issue.

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它们还被植入晶片,以便人们能够一直监测它们的情况。They have been microchipped to enable ongoing monitoring.

这也是一个根本性的持久的挑战。I think that is one of the fundamental ongoing challenges.

因邮局无法递送,缺席或邮寄选票被退回。The return of an ongoing absentee ballot as undeliverable.