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庆幸的是,本作并没有辜负众望。Thankfully it didn’t disappoint.

值得庆幸的阿蒂奇有很深的口袋。Thankfully ATIC has very deep pockets.

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谢天谢地这些暗黑势力成了一个遥远的回忆。Those dark forces are thankfully a distant memory.

现在你必须欣然接受并要感恩。Now you have to receive it willingly and thankfully.

所以,谢天谢地,贾丝汀最终成功地渡过了这一关。So, in the end, it worked out for Justine, thankfully.

很庆幸我们为返回值预留了存储空间。So, thankfully I know I have storage space for return values.

切赫马上被送往医院,谢天谢地,在路上他苏醒过来了。Cech was rushed to hospital and is thankfully on the road to recovery.

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冷硬的风从西边呼啸过来,感谢夏日的阳光温暖着它。A stiff wind howled from the west, thankfully warmed by the summer sun.

谢天谢地,我们似乎从过去这些沉痛的教训中吸取了经验。Thankfully we seem to be learning from those painful lessons of the past.

好在杯子没有摔坏,她拾起它来往里面倒茶。She picked up the mug, thankfully unbroken , and proceeded to pour the tea.

我抢先踢出,与球接触良好,而且幸运的是球飞向远角。I hit it early, made good contact and thankfully it went into the far corner.

之后,令人欣慰的是,对科学的不信任在一定程度上得到了纠正。Since then, the distrust of science has, to some extent, been thankfully redressed.

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因为定位球失分让人失望,我退得太多了,让他们得到了空间。But we put a bit of pressure on them in the second half and thankfully got back in it.

小猫要在宠物医院继续待三个晚上,谢天谢地它现在已经完全恢复了。She went on to spend 3 nights at the Vets, and has thankfully now made a full recovery.

她从自行车上摔下来时头被撞了一下,索性没有受伤。She got a bump on the head when she fell off her bicycle, but thankfully she wasn't hurt.

好在,陈妈妈最终释怀,并与理珊约定,在极乐世界相聚。Thankfully , eventually, she did let it go and made a pact with Lisa to reunite in heaven.

我在倾盆大雨中下了车,感激不尽地那把伞遮雨。I got off the streetcar in a downpour and thankfully opened the umbrella to protect myself.

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还好,这里有一些小秘密保证能让你每次都订到新鲜的快餐。Thankfully there are a few secrets that will ensure that you get fresh fast food every time.

你也可以看一下大二课程的打分方法,哈佛也采用这种打分制。You can similarly explore your sophomore year and Harvard thankfully does have this mechanism.

谢天谢地的是这些天由我来调节恒温器,因此我将它设定在我最喜欢的充满暖意的室温。Thankfully these days I’m the one that controls the thermostat, so I keep it as warm as I like.