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如果你现在,或者曾经在中国大陆租住过房屋,请点击。If you are, or have been a renter in mainland China, please click.

我宁可做一名博尔赫斯图书馆的借阅者,也不愿成为属于我自己的物主。I’d rather be a renter in Borges’ librarythan the owner of my own.

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每个租车的骑手都会告知一个免费的应急电话号码。Every renter is provided with a toll free emergency telephone number at pick-up.

即使一个结论被证明是错的,但它仍像是一个落魄的承租人一样让你没办法彻底驱逐他。Even when a claim is disproved, it hangs around like a deadbeat renter you can’t evict.

该公司的名字被选为呼吁“预算意识”或“价值意识”承租人。The company name was chosen to appeal to the"budget-minded" or "value-conscious" renter.

覆盖范围提供第三方的法律限制,保护主驾人和签约驾驶员。Our coverage provides third party legal limits to protect the renter and authorized drivers.

承租人拒绝汇出房租,除非盖屋人从腐烂的屋顶换掉这些的腐烂的木头。The renter refused to remit the rent until a roofer removed the rotten wood from the rotten roof.

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夏琳指出,“租客”和“出租人”双方都是有风险的,因为如果违反合同没有法律追索权。Both "renter" and "rentes" are at risk, as there is no legal recourse for breach of contract, said Xia.

房屋租赁是指房屋所有人作为出租人将其房屋出租给承租人使用,由承租人向出租人支付租金的行为。The house leasing means the owner gives it's leasehold to renter and renter pay the rental toward the ower.

超出州或省的限制的索赔可能会发生,这时的索赔需由主驾人承担。Claims in excess of the state or province limits may arise. These claims are the responsibility of the renter.

他考虑以后在底特律当一名承租人,因为底特律的“租赁”业正在不断发展。He considers himself fortunate to be a renter in the Detroit area, where the “for sale” signs are multiplying.

永远不要在谈判薪水的时候谈论你的需要,比方说因为支出增长或者有某项新的开支。Never renter salary negotiations talking about what you need -- because of rising costs or a new expense, for instance.

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这个树上的节点可以是年龄、收入水平、目前拥有的车的数量、婚姻状况、有无孩子、房主还是租户。Possible nodes on the tree would be age, income level, current number of cars, mariatl status, kids, homeowner, or renter.

此约为业主萧朝宣将土地租给佃农蔡接兴开垦所立之契约。A property contract between land owner Xiao Chaoxuan and land renter Cai Jiexing, giving Cai the right to farm the property.

我在加拿大的房东曾经遇到拖欠房租三个月的住户,最后被法院带走。My former landlady in Canada once encountered a renter who was summonsed to appear in court for failing to pay the rent for three months.

过去的数十年间,在美国租金涨幅远比租赁者的收入涨幅快得多,租赁者的支付能力已经变成是一个普遍的问题。Over the past few decades, rental affordability has become a widespread problem in the U.S. as rent levels grew faster than renter income.

此外,本文还论述了承租人和抵押权人在拆迁中的利益,以及利益的保护及实现。Moreover, the article discusses the mortgager's profits and renter 's profits in building removal, and the realization of profits protection.

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房产中介——整理那些公寓清单需要花些时间,不过当你为租客找到合适的房子的时候,你就可以挣到一笔钱。Locating apartment s — It can take time to sort through apartment listings, but you can make some money by finding the perfect apartment for a renter.

如今,在我国,对承租人优先购买权制度的研究与实践已经取得了一些成果,也积累了一些经验。Now, in China, the research and practice of the system of the priority to purchase of renter have made some achievements, but also accumulated some experience.

对于租用爱梦达房车而且在墨西哥游览的租赁者,爱梦达墨西哥汽车责任保险是一项必须的保险。El Monte RV's Mexico Auto Liability Insurance is required protection which the renter must obtain from El Monte RV when renting an El Monte RV vehicle and will be traveling in Mexico.