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他是在1990年被乔治∙H∙W∙布什总统任命为最高法院大法官的。Souter was appointed to the court by President George H.W. Bush in 1990.

苏特被认为是一个温和派法官,他通常支持那些意见更加倾向自由派的法官。Souter was considered a moderate who often sided with the more liberal justices.

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大卫•苏特有许多司法理念,要质疑他离任后留下些什么似乎有些惹人生气。David Souter had so many judicial virtues that it may seem peevish to question his legacy.

奥巴马总统任命她代替退休的戴维·苏特为最高法院大法官。President Obama has nominated her to replace retiring Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court.

Souter曾被共和党的布什相中,到头来却是令共和党大失所望。Souter was chosen by Republican President George H.W. Bush, and in the end he disappointed the GOP base.

法院的异见分子——史蒂文斯、苏特尔和金斯伯格法官则走得更远。The court's dissenters —Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg —go further.

苏特大法官于5月1日宣布打算在6月法庭听审期结束时退休。On May 1, Justice David Souter announced his intention to retire when the court finishes its term in June.

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任何人选来接替苏特大法官都不大可能会给改变最高法院的意识形态。The replacement of Justice Souter is not likely to radically change the ideological composition of the court.

不过,他已经得到了国会议员们的许多建议。But, he is already getting a lot of advice from members of Congress about a possible replacement for retiring Justice David Souter.

由于苏特属自由派,并且任命他的继任者的是民主党籍总统奥巴马,因此,这一任命不太可能造成最高法院在意识形态方面的重大变化。Because Souter is liberal and Obama, a Democrat, will appoint his successor, it is unlikely there will be a major ideological shift on the court with this appointment.

民调是在最高法院法官大卫·索塔宣布他即将离任后的三天公布的,大卫·索塔会在六月下旬任满。The poll's release comes just three days after Supreme Court Justice David Souter announced he would step down from the high court after this year's session ends in late June.

奥巴马总统督促参议院在八月前完成对索托马约尔法官的审准,新一届法院任期于十月开始,她将代替计划于六月退休的戴维·苏特大法官。President Obama is urging the Senate to confirm Judge Sotomayor by August. The new court term begins in October. She would replace Justice David Souter who plans to retire in June.

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在白宫这一天里,变得越来越明白无误的新闻报道题材是奥巴马提名联邦上诉法院法官索尼亚·索托马约尔,由她接任最高法院的大卫·苏特大法官。At the White House this day, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that that story is Obama’s nomination of federal appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor to succeed David Souter on the Supreme Court.