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损耗不大。The wastage is not very great.

汽油与油消耗量都达到标准。Benzine and oily wastage up to mark.

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在运输中要考虑到有百分之五的损耗量。You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit.

哨站建设研究蓝图应用时已计算损耗系数。Wastage is now applied to Outpost construction platform blueprints.

降低吊索具的消耗减轻工作人员的劳动强度。Cut short the wastage of the sling to reduce the intensity of labor.

同时它还指出被浪费最多的是鲜肉和没有食用过的食物储备。Also high on the wastage list was fresh meat and uneaten prepared food.

要是粮仓被毁,这样的损失我们担当不起。If the food Cang is ruined, wastage like this we can not bear liability.

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通过分析指出,应存在使能量损失最小的一组封油长度值。It shows that there is a group of sealing length with the minimum of energy wastage.

给予所有员工检查单关于减少使用能源及水的浪费?。Providing the checklist for all staff to guide to minimize energy and water wastage?

我们还可以通过分析政府的支出和浪费情况使它更负责。And we can hold the government more accountable by analyzing its spending and wastage.

正是心灵的懈怠造成了能量的浪费,如同身体的懈怠一样。The very slothfulness of the mind is a wastage of energy, as is the laziness of the body.

废水输送和污泥量通过蠕动泵和定时器来控制。Both wastewater feeding and sludge wastage were controlled by peristaltic pumps and timers.

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我和他提起贫民院厨房浪费的那些食物,谈了我对此的看法。Then I told him about the wastage of food in the workhouse kitchen, and what I thought of it.

“这是华丽的浪费,同时造成灯光污染,”一位受访者表示。"This is flamboyant wastage and creates light pollution," one respondent was quoted as saying.

各种奢侈浪费现象大多是人们追求享受、放纵欲望造成的。Extravagance and wastage are generally results of people's appetites for enjoyment and indulgence.

高炮火力单元弹药消耗量是制定弹药保障计划的基本依据。The ammo wastage about the anti-aircraft artillery fire unit is the basis of making support scheme.

中国很多城市都处于水资源短缺状态,但仍然大幅补贴水费,鼓励浪费。MANY Chinese cities are short of water, yet encourage wastage by selling it at heavily subsidised prices.

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活塞式蓄能器,配以栋梁式压射系统。Piston type accumulator with a horizontal connection unit ensures lower pressure wastage and fast reaction.

提供吃不惯的食品往往会导致食品浪费,营养不良,并有损灾民的情绪。Providing unfamiliar foods often leads to wastage and malnutrition and lowers the morale of the population.

港口、矿山机械的易磨损件的消耗量一直很大,造成了巨大的经济损失。The abrasion wastage of port and mine machine is all through very large, and so it makes huge economic loss.