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盖玻片不易损坏,没有扭曲面。Micro coverslips are unbreakable and non-curling.

因为他们都认为这些游戏是无法破解的。Because they all assumed the games are unbreakable.

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耐用聚酰氨携行具配尼龙带。Unbreakable polyamide holder with nylon textile strap.

室外用的餐具最好是打不破的。Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable.

由于她不可战胜的熊抱安娜已经名声在外。Anna has gained a reputation for her unbreakable bear hug.

轻轻地将水银放入一个不会打破的塑料容器中Gently Place Mercury Into an Unbreakable Plastic Container

在这段过程中,罗格和亚伯特发展出牢不可破的情谊。During the process, Logue and Albert form an unbreakable bond.

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本体材质采用精选的展性铸铁不易破裂变形。Made of selected malleable steel making them virtually unbreakable.

我们摧毁了各自的芳华,解体了曾经觉得牢不行破的城池。We destroy their youth, disrupted ever thought the unbreakable cities.

因为密码仅使用一次,因此它几乎是无法被破解的。Because the codes were used only once, they were virtually unbreakable.

当然,纳西莎,我会立下牢不可破誓言。Certainly, Narcissa, I shall make the Unbreakable Vow, " he said quietly."

地球用它摧枯拉朽的生命力,不断重塑着自己的明天。The earth is reconstructing its tomorrow by its unbreakable power of life.

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百年世博一丝牵,南浔与世博会结下了不解之缘。Since then, Nanxun has forged an unbreakable bond with each world exposition.

锁链的每一个环节都紧密地结合在一起,这个锁链将会变得坚不可摧。All of the links in the chain pulled together and the chain became unbreakable.

我们一心一意的团结是牢不可摧的,它比一枚核武器的威力还要大。Our single-minded unity is unbreakable and more powerful than a nuclear weapon.

在你和对方之间想象着有一道无形但无法穿越的铜墙铁壁。Think about an invisible, unbreakable wall between you and the difficult person.

作出肯定的是一面镜子,是牢不可破,法尔胜,它在这里他们可以看到自己。Make sure that the mirror is unbreakable and fasten it where they can see themselves.

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事实上,只要有足够的红牛和一个有恒心有毅力的黑客,世上便没有牢不可破的代码。There is virtually no unbreakable code, given enough Red Bull and a dedicated hacker.

石英手表实在有失身份,所以只能暂时使用,或者是当作一种牢固的休闲手表来使。Quartz is simply infra dig, so keep that for your throwaway or unbreakable casual watch.

对自己许一个牢不可破的承诺,它会鞭策你走到终点------只要是对你有效的,什么样的承诺都可以。Make an unbreakable commitment to see it through clear to the finish line – no matter what.