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就像酒精一样,咖啡因也是一种利尿剂。Just like alcohol, caffeine is a diuretic.

避免利尿的咖啡因和香草。Just avoid caffeine and herbs that are diuretic.

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有清热解暑、利尿止渴之保健功能。There are Qingre, thirst diuretic function of health care.

它也被用来作为一种利尿剂和治疗不孕症。It has also been used as a diuretic and to treat infertility.

杜松、西柚、迷迭香是很好的利尿剂。Juniper Berry, Grapefruit and Rosemary are good for diuretic.

目的研究泽泻利尿作用的物质基础。OBJECTIVE To study on the diuretic active compounds of Alisma orientalis.

噻嗪类利尿药治疗高血压的地位会下降吗?。Will the position of thiazide diuretic in therapy of hypertension descend?

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利尿消肿治脚气,赤豆粥里胜补剂。Diuretic treatment athlete's foot swelling, red bean porridge win supplements.

结论天麻止眩颗粒具有一定的利尿及镇吐作用。ConclusionTMZX granules obviously possesses the diuretic and antemetic effects.

目的合成利尿降压药美托拉宗。Objective To synthesize metolazone which is a diuretic and anti-hypertension agent.

结论溶石冲剂具有明显的抗炎、镇痛、利尿的作用。CONCLUSION litholytic granule has obvious anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic actions.

可缓和发烧和风湿病,也可作为代理利尿和洗涤的产品。It is said to reduce fever, alleviate rheumatism, and act as a diuretic and a cleansing agent.

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我们对噻嗪类利尿剂氯噻酮的应用应该超过氢氯噻嗪。Chlorthalidone really should be the thiazide-type diuretic we are using over hydrochlorothiazide.

结论自拟利尿排石汤重用软坚破血药治疗尿路结石疗效肯定。Conclusion It is effective to treat the patients with urinary stone by diuretic lithagogue decoction.

噻嗪类利尿剂氢氯噻嗪是可以增加的钠和氯离子的排泄。Hydrochlo­rothiazide is a thiazide diuretic that increases the excretion of sodium and chloride ions.

芹菜汁也可作为利尿和轻泻剂以及降压良药。Besides, celery juice can be used to be drugs for diuretic and laxative and for reducing the pressure.

黄瓜汁医学家排列的黄瓜汁医用价值表上,利尿功效名列前茅。Cucumber juice range ahead while used for diuretic in the medicine table of value made by medicine experts.

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你喝一杯咖啡就需要两杯水来削弱利尿的效果。For every cup of coffee you drink you will need to drink another TWO glasses of water to counter the diuretic effect.

利尿作用-尿作用不明显,但能增加小便中钠,钾,氯各离子排泄。The diuretic effect is not obvious but it can increase the secretion ions of sodium, potassium and chlorine in the urine.

建议监测血钾水平时,结合使用了利尿剂钾苯那普利。It is recommended to monitor plasma potassium levels when using benazepril in combination with a potassium sparing diuretic.